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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2010 str. 71 <-- 71 --> PDF |
J. Tomićević, M. A. Shannon, D. Vuletić: DEVELOPING LOCAL CAPACITY FOR PARTICIPATORY ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXIV (2010), 503-515 the local people were marginalized when Tara National in general and the visible loss of young people. In order Park was formed in 1981, today they are willing and in-to meet the challenge of strengthening the local ecoterested in working with the Park administration in the nomy so as to achieve sustainable development inTara conservation and management of the region.Thus, the and maintaining the biodiversity that givesTara its spe- National ParkTara Public Enterprise is well-situated to cial ecological value, local people and managers will serve as the convener of participatory management. need to build greater communicative and participatory Sadly, the local people of Tara share a generally ne- capacity in order to better understand one another and gative expectation about the future for their lives in the work together in a community-based participatory ma- Tara area. These views reflect their economic hardship nagement processes. Attitudes towards conservation in NPTara Stav lokalnog stanovništva premazaštiti NP Tara While summarising the results from the household graphic and socio-economic variables could help to ex- questionnaire, it became clear that the demographic plain why some respondents hold more positive attituand socio-economic conditions, which have changed in des towards conservation the nonparametric test of Tara National Park in recent years, have influenced rank correlation was applied together with the Spearpeople’s attitudes towards conservation in Tara Natio-man rank correlation coefficient (Table 2). nal Park. For the analysis to determine which demo- Table 2 Correlations between socioeconomic variables1 in Rastište and Jagoštica villages Tablica2.Korelacija između socioekonomskih varijabli1 u selima Rastište iJagoštica Village – Selo Rastište Jagoštica Variables –Varijable 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1. gender/spol ns ns ns -.251 * ns ns ns ns 2. age/dob ns -.364 ** -.353 ** ns ns -.429 ** 3. education/obrazovanje ns .348 ** ns ns 4. work for NP/rad za NP .841 ** .507 ** 5. relationship with NP/ attitudes towards conservation / odnosi sa NP/ stav o NP ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) –Značajnost korelacije za razinu pouzdanosti 0.01 (2-strano) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) –Značajnost korelacije za razinu pouzdanosti 0.05 (2-strano ns – not significant –nije značajno Spearman’s coefficient between gender of respondents in Rastište and relationship with NP is: -.251* (df=65, p< .05), what shows that women have bad relationship with NP, or otherwise negative attitude toward conservation, or that male have more positive attitudes toward conservation than women.Age of respondents in Rastište and variable relationship with NP correlates with: -.353** (df=65, p< .01), what shows that older people have less or bad relationship with NP, or more negative attitude toward conservation.Variable education and relationship with NPcorrelates with: .348** (df=65, p< .01), and clearly showed that education significantly has influence on positive attitudes toward conservation. The respondents in Rastište who work for NP have a good relationship with NPor positive attitudes toward conservation, correlation are: .841** (df=65, p< .01). The correlation between the work for NPvariable andrelationshipwithNPvariable in Jagošticais: .507** (df=37, p<.01) showing that almost only interviewees whoworkforNPhavea goodrelationshipwithNational Parkandapositiveattitudetowardsconservation.The correlation between the age of respondents in Jagoštica and the relationship with NPis: -.429** (df=37, p<.01). The negative correlation means that the correlation is contrarytothe setvaluesofthevariables,whichina concretesituationmeansthatyoungpeople havemore positiveattitudestowardconservationthanolderpeople. Positive attitudes towards Tara National Park and conservation in both villages were significantly influenced by the age of the respondents and whether or not they worked for the national park (Table 2). The employment in the National Park variable was found to have a significant influence on attitudes towards conservation, possibly the result of benefits received from the Tara National Park enterprise. The findings suggest that benefits are an incentive for people to perceive conservation positively.Acorrelation between benefits and positive attitudes has been confirmed in many cases (Gillingham & Lee, 1999; Mehta & Heinen, 2001).Furthermore,some differences were evident in the results obtained from the two villages. In the case of the Rastište community, a greater number of variables |