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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2010 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF

M. Cojzer, R. Brus: SPECIES COMPOSITION AND SUCCESSIONAL PATHWAYS ON ABANDONED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIV (2010), 581-591
hough its share decreased by almost a half. Sambucus
nigra had a significant share among shrub species.
Treatment F was in the pole stand phase. The tree species,
whose share again increased a bit, still strongly
prevailed over shrub species in this phase. The most
abundant was Carpinus betulus. Among shrub species
Corylus avellana had a significant share.

The share of Fagus sylvatica, as the most numerous
species in treatment D, strongly decreased with developmental
phase aging, whereas the share of Carpinus
betulus increased. On abandoned land as well as in forest
the share of Carpinus betulus increased with developmental
phase aging.

4 DISCUSSION – Rasprava

The Haloze region has a similar trend of forest
growth as Slovenia. Succession on abandoned agricultural
land is influenced by numerous natural, socio-economic,
infrastructural and accidental factors (Hočevar
et al., 2004). The successinal process on farmland immediately
starts after mowing or grazing is ceased, and
in Haloze also after abandonment of vineyards and orchards.
Vegetation on abandoned land develops through
different stages (pioneer, middle and final stages), and
proceeds in the direction of a late successional forest.
Mature forest stage restoration is a long-term process
that is connected with distinctive changes in species
(Benabdellah et al., 2003). On the studied area
Beech sites prevail, species composition changes
through stages and is oriented toward beech associations
ZGS, 2005a, 2005b). Only pioneer (early) stages were
studied on abandoned land.

47 different species were recorded on abandoned
land in the Haloze study area, of which 33 tree and 14
shrub species were found. A similar study was done in
the Kočevje region (Mlinšek, 1968), where 38 species
were recorded on fir-beech sites, of which 20 tree and 18
shrub species were found. If we compare the leading
species, the most numerous shrub species on the Haloze
hilly area is Cornus sanguinea, and among tree species
Carpinus betulus prevails. In the Kočevje region the
successive development inolves Corylus avellana, and
among tree species Populus tremula prevails (Mlinšek,
1968). In Slovenia, as well as elsewhere in Europe
and around the world, early stages on abandoned land
involve different species. The succession of species immigration
is different, depending mostly on the site and
also on coincidence, and the immigration rate depends
on the seed bank presence, soil state of preparation for
germination and on the pioneer competition (Mlin šek,
1968). In the Pyrenees succession occurs with
Pinus sylvestris (Pueyo and Begueria,2007), but on
Slovenian karst it occurs with Pinus nigra (Eler,
2007). The results of other studies are hardly comparable
with our findings, since most of the studies deal with

successive changes of herbaceous species, which were
not investigated in our case, and some other studies deal
only with tree species without shrub species.

In this study on abandoned land in Haloze, it was demonstrated
that shrub species first appear, among which
Cornus sanguinea is the most frequent. Shrub species
represent an important ecological middle stage in forest
development. In the next stage the share of shrub species
decreases, and the share of tree species increases. At this
developmental stage some economically significant tree
species are already present. In the pole stand phase its
structure and species composition are a bit more formed.
At this stage tree species strongly prevail over shrub
species, which have successfully completed their task
and are slowly disappearing. On overgrowing land pioneer
forest developed, by which site conditions are improved,
since under its protection gradually other
managed, shade tolerant and semi-shade tolerant species
develop, and form managed forest. In later stages the
share of economically significant species increases quickly
(Mlinšek, 1968).

It was found that in rejuvenated gaps of forest,
Fagus sylvatica regenerates abundantly, which is otherwise
a shade tolerant species. In very good conditions
it germinates in abundance, but after a few years
the number of individuals decreases quickly. This is accordance
with the statement by Marinček (1987),
who ascertained that elimination of individuals is particularly
severe in the first few years and that the number
of individuals slows down later. We discovered that its
share almost halves in the thicket phase (Tab. 4), yet it
still prevails over other tree species. In the pole stand
phase the share of Fagus sylvatica diminishes again. In
the race for territory Carpinus betulus won, and Quercus
petraea is also competitive.

The final vegetation stage is beech forest. It is thereby
expected that the share of Fagus sylvatica will increase
again in older developmental phases, and the
share of Carpinus betulus will decrease.

5. CONCLUSION – Zaključak
Abandoned land area in the Haloze region is increa-We also found that abandoned land is a bit more di-
sing every year. It was found that forest area in the period verse than forest with regard to species composition.
from 1985 to 2005 increased by 6.9 %, and it is expected Abandoned land differs from forest in the number of
to increase by another 5.5 % in the next decade. shrub species, but it does not differ in the number of