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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2010 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

P. Kovácsová, M. Antalová: PRECISION FORESTRY – DEFINITION AND TECHNOLOGIES Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIV (2010), 603-611
Modern information technologies allow quick and
direct communication among single forest operations.
This allows reducing costs and increasing yield for forest
enterprise and wood processing industry.

There are some disadvantages and problems with
tools of precision forestry. One of them is that tools of
precision forestry are not standard in all forest enterprises.
Individual tools of precision forestry must be necessary
combined in order to obtain more precise
information, not only quantitative but also the qualitative
aspects of the forest resource. The most common
combination of tools are GIS, GPS and remote sensing
technologies, which offer adequate resources of gaining
precision data and additional accuracy of information
used for decision. The other tools have narrow
range of utilization and they are focused on specific
field of forestry management. The next disadvantage is
the price of some required data types which are significantly
influenced by cost of tools operations and their
accessibility. Tools of precision forestry are demanding
mainly on hardware and some of them also software.
Because of high demands on hardware, the acquisition
costs are increased and tools are not reachable to all forest
enterprise at the present.

All recorded data from tools is processed by suitable
software and additionally necessary information is

gained. Information has been recognized as being of similar
importance as the basic production factors in producing
enterprises. It plays an important role in
planning, implementation and controlling production
processes while supporting the management by providing
relevant data on how to dispose of all relevant production
factors (Kätsch 2006). There are some issues
of information quality, mainly problems with poor accuracy,
low precision, incompleteness and missing relevancy,
all of which can be removed by combination
and further development of tools of precision forestry.
Obtained information from treated data can be used by
all forest operations, wood processing industry and environmental
protection professionals.

Information for forest operations is used by selecting
the suitable stand, harvesting operation, forwarding,
storage and transport wood. Knowledge of information
significantly influences planning, organization, control
and duration of forestry works.
For wood processing industry there is important information
about wood as dimension, grade, grain,
blight disease, stiffness and taper. This information influences
production wood products thereby profitability
wood industry.
For environmental protection there is important information
mainly about soil as erodibility, disturbance,
Figure 6 Diagram of Precision forestry.

Slika 6. Dijagram “preciznog šumarstva”.

(Source/Izvor: Kovácsová, P. 2009)