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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2011 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

K. Krapinec, D. Konjević, I. Brezovac, L. Manojlović, K. Severin, V. Njemirovskij, M. Grubešić, K. Tomljanović: ODNOS ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXV (2011), 7-18

CIC točke – CICpoints
starost grla-Brandt (godine) – age-Brandt (years)
Grafikon 1. Ovisnost trofejne vrijednosti i pojedinih elemenata trofeja o dobi vepra

Graph 1
Correlation of wild boar trophy value, and some trophy parameters according to wild boar age

age-Brandt (years)
lenght of lower tusks, cirkumference of grinders (cm)
width of lowertusks(mm)
Grafikon 2. Ovisnost srednje duljine i promjera sjekača te srednjeg opsega brusača o dobi vepra

Graph 2
Correlations of lower tusks length, lower tusks width and average circumference of grinders according
to wild boar age