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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2011 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

M. Kobal, M. Urbančič, N. Potočić, B. De Vos, P. Simončič: PEDOTRANSFER FUNCTIONS FOR BULK DENSITY... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXV (2011), 19-27
Figure4 Segmented regression relations-
hip between soil bulk density (.
and organic carbon content (OC)
in the mineral soil [g/kg]
Slika4. Segmentirana regresija odnosa
gustoće tla (.
) i sadržaj organ-
skog ugljika (OC) u mineralnom
sloju tla [g/kg]
SFI 4 and SFI 5 inTable 2) did not significantly im-
prove the prediction of SFI 1 (partial F-test, p > 0.05).
Unexpectedly, soil texture, especially clay content, was
not statistically significant variable in the models;
contrary tomany studies revealing that clay content is
related with soil bulk density (Kaur, 2002; Leo na-
The segmented regression method (SFI 6) improved
prediction of .b (partial F-test, p < 0.001). The inde -
pendent variable OC was partitioned into two intervals
and a separate line segment was fitted to each interval.
The boundary between two segments (breakpoint) was
36.0 g/kg OC (Figure 4).Nearly 80 % of the total va riabi-
lity in.b was explained by using segmented regression.
Figure 5 Evaluation indices for published PTFs and local PTF (SFI 6)
Slika 5. Indeksi evaluacije za objavljene i lokalni PTF (SFI 6)
3.2 Validation of local and published PTFs for mineral part of soil
Validacija lokalnih i objavljenih pedotransfer funkcija za mineralni sloj tla
For the validation of local and published PTFs,bulk
density was calculated using four published PTFs and
predicted values were compared with local PTF (SFI
6).The prediction quality of all five PTFs is presented
in Figure 5.All four validation indices confirmed the
highest prediction powerof our local PTF (Figure 5)by