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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2011 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

M. Kobal, M. Urbančič, N. Potočić, B. De Vos, P. Simončič: PEDOTRANSFER FUNCTIONS FOR BULK DENSITY ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXV (2011), 19-27
Figure 6 Performance of two local PTFs and published PTFs for the total dataset: estimated versus observed bulk densities with
references to the 1:1 line.
Slika 6. Kvaliteta predviđanja dvije lokalne i objavljenih pedotransfer funkcija za ukupni zbir podataka: procijenjene u odnosu
na izmjerene gustoće s linijama izjednačenja.
3.3 Carbon stock calculation using different PTFs
Izračun zalihe ugljika korištenjem različitih pedotransfer funkcija
Carbon stock (C
) per hectare was calculated for
different soil profiles, based on the usage of different
PTFs (Table 4). Four different soil profiles were ran-
domly selected from our soil databaseof the 16 × 16 km
grid: Zajama, Lubnik, Besnica and Merljaki (Table 3).
In the calculation of C
, the stone content in soil hori-
zons was considered, while the root portion was not.We
assumednosurface rock outcrops.
Soil profile “Zajama” was excavated in the Pokljuka
plateau and is classified as Leptosol, soil profile “Lub-
nik” was dug near Škofja Loka and is classified as Cam-
bisol, profile “Besnica” was excavated near Ljubljana
and is classified also as Cambisol, whereas soil profile
“Merljaki” is classified asAcrisol and was excavated
near Nova Gorica. Morphological, physical and chemi-
cal properties are presented in detail inTable 3.
The calculation of the C
, based on the PTF of
Kaur etal. (2002)gives highly underestimated values
for all four soil profiles.The differences between cal-
culated C
using PTF SFI 6and measured C
are not
unambiguous, i.e. for soil profile “Lubnik” and “Be-
snica” the carbon stock is underestimated, while for
soil profile ‘’Zajama’’carbon stock is overestimated.
The calculations of C
revealed that differences of
calculated carbon stock per hectare could be quite large
and arestrongly dependent upon the PTFs algorithm.
However, the lowest difference of the C
based on
measured and calculated bulk density was found for
profile ‘’Merljaki’’. Both chemical and physical pro-
perties of this profile are close to average soil proper-
ties, included in this study, i.e. lower OC concentration
and high bulk density (Figure 3). Consequently, the
having the lowest value ofbias of the regression model
(MPE), the lowest random variation of the predictions
after correction for the global bias (SDPE),the lowest
overall error of the predictions (RMSPE) and the hig-
hest coefficient of determination (R2 ).
In the case of high bulk density, local SFI 6 PTF
seems slightly less accurate (Figure 6). Probably, that
could be explained because of not including informa-
tion onclay content, which is normally the highest just
forthe soil horizons with high bulk densities (Urban-
čič et al., 2005).For other PTFs the systematic error in
predictions is evident from the scatterplots of Figure 6.