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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2011 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

M. Sindičić, D. Zec, Đ. Huber: ANALIZA ŠTETAOD SMEĐIH MEDVJEDA U HRVATSKOJ U RAZDOBLJU ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXV (2011), 63-68

Linnell, J. D.C., M. E.Smith,J.Odden,P.Kac-Sertić,J., 2008: Štete od smeđeg medvjeda (Ursus
zensky, J. E.Swenson,1996: Strategies for arctos L.) u šumskim sastojinama na području
the reduction of carnivore-livestock conflicts: a državnog lovišta broj VIII/2 “Bjelolasica”, Direview,
Norvegian Institute for Nature Reserach plomski rad, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilište u Za-
Oppdragsmelding 443: 1–118. grebu, 40 str, Zagreb.

Linnell, J. D. C., M. E. Smith, J. Odden, J. Ulamec, P., 2007:Analiza odškodninskih zahtevkov
Swenson,1996: Strategies for the reduction za škodo, ki so jo povzrocile živali zavarovanih
of carnivore-livestock conflicts – a review, Nor-prosto živecih živalskih vrst v letu 2007,Agencija
wegian Institute of Nature Research Oppdrag-Republike Slovenije za okolje, 22 str, Ljubljana.
smelding 443:1–118.

Ulamec,P.,2008:Analiza odškodninskih zahtevkov

Naves,J., A.Fernández-Gil,A.Ordiz, M.De-za škodo, ki so jo povzrocile živali zavarovanih
libes,2010:Trends in the damages attributed to prosto živecih živalskih vrst v letu 2007,Agenbrown
bears in the Cantabria Mountains (NW cija Republike Slovenije za okolje, 21 str, Ljub-
Spain) in 1991–2008, Program,Abstract and In-ljana.


formation 19 International Conference on Bear

Williams, C.K., G.Ericsson,T.A.Heberlein,
Research and Management, 113, Tbilisi, Georgia.

2002: Aquantitative summary of attitudes towards

Sagor, J. T., J. E. Swenson, E. Roskaft,1997: wolves and their reintroduction (1972–2000), Life
Compatibility of brown bear (Ursus arctos) and Society Bulletin 30:575–584.
free ranging sheep in Norway, Biological Conservation
81: 91–95.

SUMMARY: One of the most important elements of a modern brown bear
management is human – bear conflict. Economic losses are one of the key factors
influencing negative public attitudes towards brown bears. In Croatia a
population of 1000 bears has almost reached its biological and social capacity.
Brown bear in Croatia is a game species, protected by a closed hunting
season and hunting quotas defined by yearly Action plans. National Brown
bear Management Plan and Hunting Act regulate compensation of damage
caused by brown bears. In areas where bears are permanently present and
hunted damage compensation is paid by hunting unit leaseholders, whereas in
national parks, areas where bears are not hunted and in areas with only accidental
presence of bears compensation is paid from the state budget. The goal
of this paper was to present and analyze data about brown bear damages in
Croatia during the first 6 years (2004–2009) of the Management Plan implementation,
in other words the first 6 years of organized data collection. Totally
227 damage cases have been reported in this period (on average 37.8 cases
per year). Most of the damage has been done on agricultural goods (54.2%),
attacks on domestic animals (23.8%) and apiaries (8.8%). During this period
attacks on humans have not been registered. Considering the population size
of 1000 animals, brown bears cause low material damage in Croatia.

Key words:brown bear, Ursus arctos, damage, management