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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2011 str. 19 <-- 19 --> PDF |
D. Ugarković, I. Tikvić, M. Oršanić, Z. Seletković, I. Seletković, M Blažinkov, M. Mrkonjić Fuka, S Redžepović: NEKE ... Šum. list br. 3–4, CXXXV (2011), 99-111 bi se način dobili podaci o njihovoj veličini i brojnosti i stvorili kvalitetniji šumsko-uzgojni planovi za njihovu sanaciju. S obzirom da trendovi temperatura zraka na području Gorskog kotara statistički značajno rastu i da LITERATURAAnon., 2006: Pravilnik o uređivanju šuma, Narodne novine 111/06, Zagreb, 2006. Anon., 1966: Priručnik za ispitivanje zemljišta i voda, Knjiga II, JDZP, Beograd, 1966. Alexander, M., 1977: Introduction to Soil Microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Atlas, R.M., R.Bartha,1987: Microbial Ecology: nd Fundamentals andApplications, 2 edition. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Menlo Park. Brady, N.C., R. R. Weil,1996:The nature and properties of soils. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 11 ed., 740 str. Brown,N., 1993:The implication of climate and gap microclimate for seedling growth conditions in a borean lowland forest. J.Trop. Ecol., 9: 153–168. Clinton, B. D., 2003: Light, temperature and soil moisture responses to elevation, evergreen understory and small canopy gaps in the southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management 186:243–255. Dhruva, K. J., G. D. Sharma, R. R. Mishera, 1992: Soil microbial population numbers and enzyme activities in relation to altitude and forest degradation. Soil Biol. Biochem. 24 (8): 761–767. Eckmüllner, O., H. Sterba, 2000: Crown condition, needle mass and sapwood area relationships pf Norway spruce (Picea abiesKarst.). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30: 1646–1654. Hubbel, S.P., R. B.Foster,1986: Canopy gaps and the dynamics of a neotropical forest. U: Craw- ley, M. J. (ur.). Plant Ecology, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. Lundquist, J.E., 1993: Spatial and temporal characteristics of canopy gaps caused by Armillaria root disease and their management implications in lowveld forest of South Africa. European Journal of Forest pathology 23: 362–371. Madsen,P., J.B.Larsen,1997: Natural regeneration of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) with respect to canopy density, soil moisture and soil carbon content. Forest Ecology and Management 97: 95–105. Matić,S., M.Oršanić, I.Anić,1996: Neke karakteristike i problemi prebornih šuma obične jele (Abies albaMill.) u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list 3–4: 9–100. je pojava sušnih razdoblja učestalija, za pretpostaviti je da će u šumskim otvorima biti još toplije i suše,što predstavlja nepovoljne uvjete za rast i razvoj biljaka obične jele (Ugarković,2009). – References Matić,S., I.Anić, B.Prpić, M.Oršanić,2001: Uzgojni postupci u jelovim šumama oštećenim propadanjem. U: Prpić, B. (ur.), Obična jela (Abies albaMill.) u Hrvatskoj,Akademija šumarskih znanosti i “Hrvatske šume”, p.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, 461–472. Muscolo,A., M.Sidari, R.Mercurio,2007: Variations in soil chemical properties and microbial biomass in artificial gaps in silver fir stands. European Journal of Forest Research 126: 59–65. Nannipieri,P., J.Ascher, M.T.Ceccherini, L. Landi, G. Pietramellara, G. Renella, 2003: Microbial diversity and soil functions. European Journal of Soil Science 54: 655–670. Neale, S.P., Z.Shah,W.A.Adams,1997: Changes in microbial biomass and nitrogen turnover in acid organic soils following liming. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (9/10): 1463–1474. Pernar,N., D.Bakšić,2001: Značajke humusa tla jelovih i bukovo-jelovih šuma u Hrvatskoj. U: S. Matić (ur.), Znanstvena knjiga Znanost u potrajnom gospodarenju hrvatskim šumama, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, Zagreb, 117–122. Potočić,N., I. Seletković, D. Ugarković,A. Jazbec, S.Mikac,2008:The influence of climate properties on crown condition of Common beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) and Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) onVelebit. Periodicum Biologorum 110 (2): 145–150. Redžepović, S., Đ. Sertić, S. Sikora, 1991: Agropedološka studija R. J. Senkovac, (mikrobiološki dio). Fakultet poljoprivrednih znanosti, Institut za agroekologiju, Zagreb. Runkle, J.R., 1982: Patterns of disturbance in some old-growth mesic forest of eastern NorthAmerica. Ecology, 63: 1533–1546. SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA: SAS Online Doc; 1999. Schmidt, J. M., L. W.Belser,1994: Autotrophic nitrifying bacteria. U: J. M. Bigham, (ur.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Microbiological and Biochemical Properties,SSSABook Series No. 5, SSSA, Madison,WI, str. 159–177. Stark, J.M., S. C.Hart,1997: Highs rate of nitrifi cation and nitrate turnover in undisturbed coniferous forest. Nature, 385: 61–64 |