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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2011 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

Z. Sedlar, V. Hršak, R. Šoštarić: NUMERICALAND PHYTOSOCIOLOGICALANALYSIS OF ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXV (2011), 1-3

Figure 2.Cluster analysis dendrogram divided into 7 groups according to ISAanalysis results.

Slika 2. Dendrogram klasterske analize podijeljen u 7 grupa prema rezultatima ISA analize.

Hvar and Brač, at altitudes of 300-500 m. Those tudes of 460-900 m a.s.l and the author classified them as
relevés are classified by the author asOrno-Quercetum Seslerio-Ostryetum carpinifoliae pinetosum dalmaticae.
ilicis pinosum dalmaticaefor the first five relevés, and

Cluster 3 comprises relevés taken only on the island of
asErico-Rosmarinetum pinetosum dalmaticae.

Brač at altitudes of 600-740 m. One relevé was made by

In cluster 2, there are six relevés, three from the island Horvatić 1958 and the rest by Domac 1965.Altitudes vary
of Brač and three from the lower part of Biokovo Moun-between 600 and 740 m. Both authors determined the
tain.All the relevés were taken by Domac 1965 at alti-relevés as the Stipo-Salvietum officinalis pinetosum dal