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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2011 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

Z. Sedlar, V. Hršak, R. Šoštarić: NUMERICALAND PHYTOSOCIOLOGICALANALYSIS OF ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXV (2011), 1-3

maticaesubassociation.This is the only cluster syntaxonomically
classified into the grassland order and class.

In cluster 4 there are 8 relevés, three made by
Domac 1965 on the Pelješac peninsula and five taken
by Horvatić 1958 on the island of Hvar. Seven relevés
are classified asGenisto-Ericetum verticillatae pinetosum
dalmaticae, taken at 500-800 m, and only one
relevé asErico-Rosmarinetum pinetosum dalmaticae,
taken at 300 m.

Cluster 5 comprises sixteen relevés made byTrinajstić
1986 and 1990 on the Pelješac peninsula and on
the islands of Hvar and Brač, and one relevé made by
Domac 1965 on the Pelješac peninsula. The sixteen
relevés in this cluster were taken and classified byTrinajstić
as Erico manipuliflorae-Pinetum dalmaticae.
The relevé taken by Domac was classified asGenisto-
Ericetum verticillatae pinetosum dalmaticae.

Cluster 6 includes relevés taken and classified byTrinajstić
1986 and 1990 on the islands of Brač and Korčula.
He classified them asQuerco ilicis-Pinetum dalmaticae.

The results of the indicator species analysis are
shown inTable 1. Two species have the maximal possible
indicator value (IV=100) for cluster 7 from the cluster
analysis, Juniperus communis L. ssp. nana Syme
andSesleria robustaSchott,Nyman&Kotschy.


Table 1. Indicator species for cluster 7 with an indicator value (IV) higher than 50 and p lower than 0.05 for
sibiricae -Pinetum dalmaticaedetermined using ISA
Tablica 1. Indikatorske vrste za klaster 7 s indikatorskom vrijednosti (IV) većom od 50 i p nižim od 0,05 za Junipero
sibiricae -Pinetum dalmaticaeodređen korištenjem ISA metode

value (IV)
IV from randomised groups
Mean S.Dev p *
Arenaria serpyllifolia L. 53,8 9,6 4,99 0,0002
Asplenium ruta-muraria L. 53,8 9,6 5,23 0,0002
Asplenium trichomanes L. 53,8 9,5 5,14 0,0004
Cerastium grandiflorumWaldst. & Kit
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik. ssp. adriaticum (Beck) Margr.
Juniperus communis L. ssp. nana Syme.
Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill.
Polygala vulgaris L. 92,3 10,8 4,74 0,0002
Sesleria robusta Schott, Nyman &Kotschy 100 11,2 4,84 0,0002

Figure 3 represents the result of Nonmetric Multidimensional
Scaling (NMS) ordination scatterplot using
Bray Curtis as distance measure.The data that entered
this analysis came from releves of different local associations
from all round Mediterranean (Dalmatian coast,
Greece, Iberian Peninsula and Corsica and Sicily, all belonging
to Pino-Juniperetea class). Associations are
clearly divided into three groups.They are divided biogeographically,
as the western, central and eastern group
of their Mediterranean distribution of Pinus nigra s.l.
(Van Haverbeke 2009). On NMS scatterplot the associations
are grouped the same way. Group 1consists
of associations from Dalmatia and Greece and as such
makes the eastern biogeographical group. In this group
there are also, and very close ordinated together,
Ju nipero sibiricae-Pinetum dalmaticae and Seslerio
robustae-Pinetum pallasianae. Association Seslerio
robustae-Pinetum pallasianaeBarbéro & Quézel
1976 corr. Bergmeier 1990 was included by Bergmeier1990,
and following Horvat’s 1959 concept, into
alliance Orno-Ericion Horvatić 1959 and Erico-
Pinetea class. In contrast, Brullo & al. 2001 considers
that Seslerio robustae-Pinetum pallasianae association
should be classified into west Mediterranean classPinoJunipereteaRivas-

Group 2 consists of associations from Iberian
peninsula and as such makes the western Mediterranean
group. Group 3 makes the central Mediterranean
group with associations from Sicily and