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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2011 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

M. Nodilo: “VRT U BENEDIKTINSKOM SAMOSTANU SV. MARIJE NAMLJETU” Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXV (2011), 153-160

SUMMARY: Desa, the Duke of Duklja, donated the island of Mljet, in 1151.
to be exclusive property of Benedictines from Monte Casino, Pulia. Benedictines
have built, in end part of 12thcentury, the Romanesque monastery and
church of St. Mary on the islet of St. Mary. The monastery was redecorated and
some new Renaissance parts were built in 15thand 16thcentury. The complex
looked like a Renaissance villa and had a Renaissance garden. A tower and the
wall around the monastery and the garden was built in 17thcentury.

This paper present possible renovation and decoration of Renaissance
garden inside the monastery complex. Historical literature clearly shows us
that ground plan of the garden has been shaped as two quadrates, bounded
with grape wine and planted with fruit trees. The gravestone found in the garden
is a memorial to the builders of the monastery, because they had legal
right to be buried in the building. It is a known fact that at the end of 14thcentury,
the monastery was used as a quarantine, the first one in Croatia. From
this fact, we also know that friars were some kind of pharmacists.

The entire islet of St. Mary was olive grove in the past, as evidence we still
have about hundred olive trees. During the time, it became a nice promenade
for visitors, with maintaining olive grove and paths we get a nice place for
long walks for both visitors and native population.