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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 23 <-- 23 --> PDF |
IZVORNI ZNANSTVENI ČLANCI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERSŠumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 437-448 UDK 630* 811 + 48: 249 (001) THE IMPACT OF SILVICULTURALTREATMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE AND RED HEART FORMATION IN BEECH FORESTS UTJECAJ ŠUMSKOUZGOJNIH ZAHVATANASTRUKTURU I FORMIRANJE NEPRAVE SRŽI U BUKOVIM SASTOJINAMA 123 Vladimír RAČKO, Milan SANIGA, Igor ČUNDERLÍK ABSTRACT: The issue of occurrence and size of red heart and the possibilities of its limitation in beech assortments have been researched in worldwide measures for a long time. There are many ecological, phenological, geological factors which more or less influence its formation. The results of a long-term research of different silvicultural treatment confirmed that a big crown of crop trees creates conditions to achieve the target diameter with a low assumption of red heart formation and so rises the quality and price of produced assortments. The different shaping of tree crowns on two investigated compartments had a significant impact on the size of dehydrated zone and subsequently on the frequency of red heart. On the contrary, it did not have a significant impact on the size of red heart, even though red hearts in the both investigated forest stands were small. We also found the different qualitative structure of assortments in both types of investigated compartments. Key words:Fagus sylvaticaL., silvicultural methods, red heart formation, sapwood, dehydrated zone INTRODUCTION – Uvod Red heart (RH) and growth stresses appearing in1969, 1973a, 1973b, Sachsse1991, Schmidtand beech species are the main phenomena which influenceMehringer1989, Sorzand Hietz2008, Torelli the quality of raw wood and so they decrease signifi-1984, Torelli2001,Zycha1948)etc. cantly the financial value of the produced range of raw Findings from the specialized literature point out that wood (Beckeretal. 2005).The topic of RH formation beech RH is subjected by, in fact, two main factors: for- in beech wood species has been the subject of the rese mation of the dehydrated zone (DZ) and by entering of arch for long. There were published many extensive air into this zone (Bosshard1974, Torelli1984, monographs and papers about the structure, formation, Torelli2001,Zycha1948).The absence of one of and development of red heart from the viewpoint of these factors excludes formation of RH. Decreasing of physiology, macroscopic and microscopic changes of vitality the parenchyma cells and breaking down ofthe beech wood (Bosshard1967, 1968, Hösliand water transport system in central part of a stem is a conBosshard1975, Kochetal. 2003,Necesany1958, sequence of decreasingphysiological activity of tree, impacted mainly by ageing. Thiscentral DZisalso 1 Dr.Vladimír Račko,Technical University Zvolen, Faculty of calledasa ripeormaturewood.Water/gaz ratioin the Wood Sciences and Technology, Department of Wood Science, T.G.Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic; vesselsof DZ isimportantfor a potentialRH formation (Sachsse1967, Torelli1984).The wound of a trunk 2 Prof. Dr. Milan Saniga, Technical University Zvolen, Faculty of and branches causes that air enters into vessel system of Forestry, Department of Silviculture, T.G.Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic; sapwood (SW) and DZ.Thepenetration rateof airinto 3 Prof. Dr. Igor Čunderlík, Technical University Zvolen, Faculty thezonesSW and DZ has different partialpressuresin ofWood Sciences and Technology, Department of Wood the stemandthe atmosphere(Bosshard1967, Zie- Science,T.G.Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic; gler1968).The relatively vital parenchyma cells (adja |