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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 25 <-- 25 --> PDF |
V. Račko, M. Saniga, I. Čunderlík: THE IMPACT OF SILVICULTURALTREATMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 437-448 Table 1Basic dendrometric characteristics of beech sample trees from the individual SPPs. Tablica 1.Osnovne dendrometrijske značajke reprezentativnih bukovih stabala na trajnim istraživačkim plohama (SPPs) CMT Odjeli Tree Stablo Tree age at DBH Dob stabla na prsnom promjeru DBH Prsni promjer Tree height Visina stabla Crownwidth Širina krošnje Crown length Duljina krošnje Crown volume Volumen krošnje No(year)(cm)(m)(m)(m)(m 3 ) 5137511247.230.99.820.3765.2 51319010849.830.510.7513.9630.5 5138511147.629.310.4512.1518.6 5134110855.633.312.725.31601.7 51312011043. 51315411145.729.68.514.3405.5 5131910846.428.59.6516.8614.0 514b1510353.934.012,1524.21402.2 514b339838.028.18.818.2553.2 514b219840.328.81019.8777.2 514b3010249.630.610.519.1826.5 514b429639.427.67.112.8253.3 514b379443.029.59.9517.4676.1 514b39342.727.99.3516.8576.5 The data were measured on standing trees before cutting in December 2009 Podaci su uzimani na dubećim stablima prije sječe u prosincu 2009. godine The marked trees were cut, delimbed, bucked into 12–14 m transportation lengths and transported into the forest depot.The sample removal was carried out during bucking of logs according to the scheme on Fig. 1. Samples –Uzorci Logs Trupci Figure 1 Cutting scheme of samples.Variable log length (l1, l2…ln) depended on quality assessment Slika 1.Shema prereza uzoraka. Duljina trupca (l1, l2,...ln) ovisna o procijenjenoj kvaliteti sortimenta In total there was taken 60 samples, out of which 10 samples contained RH + DZ (Fig. 2a) and 50 samples contained only DZ (Fig. 2b).The first sample type was cut from the butt part.The position of the other sample types in a trunk depended on the length of bucked logs and it moved depending on the stated quality of logs within 2–6 m.The position (distance) of every sample and every log from the butt was recorded in meters. The quality of every log according to (STN EN 1316-1 2000)was stated. In half an hour after cutting the sample, a visible dry DZ appeared on the cross section of the sample. The samples were planed from one side and photographed in the JPG format of 24-bit RGB in resolution 1536 x 1024 pix, 300dpi (Fig. 2). Figure 2Cross section of samples (a) – the samples containing both zones (RH and DZ) (b) – the samples containing only DZ Slika 2.Poprečni prerez uzoraka (kolut) (a) – uzorci koji imaju nepravu srž (RH) i piravost (DZ). (b) – uzorci koji imaju samo piravost (DZ) |