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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 27 <-- 27 --> PDF |
V. Račko, M. Saniga, I. Čunderlík: THE IMPACT OF SILVICULTURALTREATMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 437-448 Figure3Dependency of the tree height on DBH. (a) – CMT513 with a selection structure, (b) – CMT 514b with release increment thinning Slika 3.Ovisnost visine stabla o prsnom promjeru (DBH). (a) – CMT 513 preborna struktura sastojine, (b) – CMT 514b sastojina njegovana visokom proredom Figure 4Dependency of DBH on crown volume. (a) – CMT513 with a selection structure, (b) – CMT 514b with release increment thinning Slika 4.Ovisnost prsnog promjera (DBH) i volumena krošnje na uzorkovanim stablima. (a) - CMT 513 preborna struktura sastojine, (b) – CMT 514b sastojina njegovana visokom proredom ter growth of a tree trunk.This significant finding proves the fact that there are more than 55% of other factors not considered by us which take animpact on the increment of sample trees at DBH in a selection forest. From the point of view of RH occurrence we can see (Fig. 5) that its frequency in trees and logs coming from CMT 513 is considerably lower than the frequency in the CMT514b. On contrary, the influence of various ways of forest stand tending on portion of RH was not proved as sta- Figure 5Frequency of RH in trees and logs for individual CMTs Slika 5.Frekvencija pojavnosti neprave srži (RH) na stablima i trupcima na istraživanim plohama (CMTs) |