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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 28     <-- 28 -->        PDF

V. Račko, M. Saniga, I. Čunderlík: THE IMPACT OF SILVICULTURALTREATMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 437-448
tistically significant, but average values in both obser-sume that considering higher age of the trees from
ved CMTs were considerably low (Table 4).CMT513 (109.7 years) the portion of DZ compared to
the CMT514b (97.7 years)should be higher.But the

From the viewpoint of the size of created zone of
results present an opposite trend. (Table 2, Table 4).

DZexpressed by its diameter proportionwe can as

T-tests of mean values of DZ portion (%) and RH portion (%) for investigated CMTs

Tablica 4.T-test srednjih vrijednosti postotnog udjela piravosti (DZ) i neprave srži (RH) na istraživanim plohama (CMTs)

CMT–OdjeliDZ portion –DZ udjelp-value –p vrijednostRH portion –RH udjelp-value –p vrijednost

Within the same column (mean ± SD).Student´s t-test(p-value – level of statistical significance, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,
***p < 0.001, ns (not statistically significant, p > 0.05).

U istoj koloni dane su srednje vrijednosti i standardna devijacija. Student-ov t-test (p-vrijednost – stupanj statistički značajne
razlike – ns nije statistički značeno).

Table 5
Linear regression dependences between DZ or SWwidth (cm) and CA(year) or H in trunk (m) for investigated

Tablica 5.Linearna regresija ovisnosti širine piravosti, odnosno bijelji (SW) izražena u cm s kambialnom starosti debla (CA)
(godina) ili visinom debla (H) za istraživane plohe (CMTs)

Dependency –Ovisnost
y= a + b.x
CMT–Odjeli 513CMT–Odjeli 514b
p vrijednost
p vrijednost
DZ width × CAin trunk
DZ širina × CA debla-3.5710.11930.63520.0000***-0.1640.1050.57940.0015**
DZ width × H in trunk
DZ širina × H debla9.702-0.2790.57360.0005***10.746-0.3320.61080.0007***
SWwidth × CAin trunk
SW širina × CA debla9.7770.2210.59420.0002***3.7820.2810.69620.0000***
SWwidth × H in trunk
SW širina × H debla35.145-0.6120.63670.0000***31.728-0.6890.56650.0020**

H –height in trunk (m) from bottom of tree; a – absolute coefficient, b – regression coefficient, R – correlation coefficient,

p-value – level of statistical significance correlation coeficient *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns (not statistically signi

ficant, p > 0.05), y – dependent variable,×– independent variable

H –visina debla (m); a – apsolutni koeficijent, b – regresijski koeficijent, R – korelacijski koficijent, p-vrijednost – stupanj
statistički značajne razlike korelacijskog koeficijenta *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns (nije statistički značajno,
p > 0.05), y – zavisna varijabla,×– nezavisna varijabla

Table 6
Theverticaldistribution and position oftheRH in

Between the width of DZ or SWand CAof a trunk
trunk. RHL(m) means RH length at the specified

there were found increasing linear regression depenposition
in trunk.

dences with relatively high correlation coefficients

Tablica 6.Vertikalno rasprostiranje neprave srži (RH) u

(Table 5).The given fact points out at the relatively

deblu stabla. RHL (m) označava visinu do koje se

strong influence of age on DZ and SWformation.

rasprostire neprava srž (RH)

Visina do koje se
rasprostire neprava srž
5131540 - 5
513856 – 8 and 23 – 24
514b420 – 2
514b30 – 5
514b370 – 7 and 14 – 16
514b151 – 6
514b338 – 11

Table 6 presents distribution and position of RH
along the trunk length. It can be clearly seen that RH in
most trees in both forest stands occurs in 0-8m distance
from the butt.Therefore, the wound, which was a cause
of such RH formation, occurred at tree butts and was
caused by a wound of butt parts. For the sample trees
No. 85 (CMT513) and No. 33 and 37 (CMT514b) the
wound was caused by dieback of thick branches of yet
standing trees in the lower parts of the crowns.