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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 29 <-- 29 --> PDF |
V. Račko, M. Saniga, I. Čunderlík: THE IMPACT OF SILVICULTURALTREATMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 437-448 443 Different qualitative structure of produced assort- ments coming from the observed forest stands, which contained RH at least at one of the cross sections, can be seen at Fig. 7.The analysis of quality of produced logs confirmed that the higher quality and so the value yield was achieved for the assortments coming from the CMT 513. Significantly higher portion of logs was achieved in quality classes A and B. Compared to this, there was a considerably lower proportion of logs in class C. Figure6Surface wounds in the bottom of the trunk documenting their relation to RH formation. (a) – large injury (tree no.37) lead to expansion of RH up to 7m and decay up to 2 m. (b) – small injuries (tree no.3) did not affect the RH formation.The RH have been formed in height of 0 to 5 m from a larger branch in 2.8 m height. Slika 6.Dokumentacija utjecaja oštećenja žilišta na formiranje neprave srži (RH). (a) – Veliko oštećenje (stablo br. 37) dovelo je do širenja neprave srži (RH) do visine od 7 m i truleži do 2 m. (b) – Malo oštećenje (stablo br. 3) nije imalo utjecaja na nastanak neprave srži (RH). Pri tome je neprava srž na visini od 0 do 5 m bila formirana zbog velike grane na visini od 2,8 m. Figure 7Quality structure of logs from individual CMTs Slika 7.Kvalitativna struktura prereza sa istraživačkih ploha CMTs |