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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

T. Kirin, J. Kralj, D. Ćiković, Z. Dolenec: HABITAT SELECTIONAND SIMILARITYOF THE FOREST ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 467-475
sects is greater on older trees and significantly greater
on the oak trees in comparisons to other tree species
(Southwood1961). Species feeding in canopy were
positively correlated with quantity of shrub proving that
their feeding area is equally canopy and higher shrub
layer. Species feeding on ground avoided foreststands
with rich shrub layer because reduce the availability of
open ground.Positive correlation with densities of
species nesting in the canopy and average tree basal
area was explained bySherryandHolmes(1985).
They state that the tree basal area is a good index for es

timating the leaf surface of the tree which should be important
factor for species inhabiting canopy.

It can be concluded that for habitat selection of forest
birds on the larger spatial scale both floristic and
structural composition are important, while on smaller
scale the differences in structural characteristics had
higher impact to bird communities than floristic differences.
Structural characteristics related to forest age
had the most pronounced effect to the densities of different
ecological groups of birds.

Research of forest bird communities were fundedberak – Samoborsko gorje.
by Nature Park Medvednica and Nature Park Žum-

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