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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 68 <-- 68 --> PDF |
H. Uhlíková, O. Nakládal, P. Jakubcová, M. Turčáni: OUTBREAKS OF THE NUN MOTH (Lymantria monacha) ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 477-486 th south Moravia and the Šumava Mountains, upperparts ofthe Giant Mountains and others). Many large areas were defoliated only during the greatest catastrophe outbreak in the 1920s. From the forestry aspect, the most important areas are those where the nun moth has the most optimal conditions for development (primary outbreak foci). In these areas, the nun moth reproduces most regularly and the earliest within a givenarea.The Brdy Hills and the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands are such areas nowadays. A main host plant of the nun moth was pine to the beginning of 20century and spruce replaced it in the following decades. Vanhanenetal. (2007) shows that predicted climate change will affect the distributions of the nun moth by causing a range shift towards the pole. Based on our historical data it is evident that there has been a distribution shift from lower to higher elevations over the long term. This confirms the assumption that the distribution area is changing, and therefore the foresters should take thisinto account. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – Zahvala This paper was written as part of the research project NAZVQH71094 “The using of dendrochronology for reconstruction of fluctuation patterns of nun moth and gypsy moth in central Europe”. The paper was also partly supported by the project CIGA(Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) “Factors influenced success of bark beetle (Ips typographus) attack of spruce stands”. Special thanks are due to Václav Pernégr and Pavel Frank (Hořovice Division, MilitaryForestsand Farms Brdy), Ivo Mühlhansl (Náměšť nad Oslavou forest district, Forests of the Czech Republic), Ladislav Kopřiva (Pelhřimov forest district, Forests of the Czech Repub lic), Josef Šefl (Strašice), Dominika Mansfeldová, Karel Pokorný, Vincenc Zlatník, Marie Benešová, Stanislav Carbol, Otakar Holuša,Vlasta Janatková (Forest Management Institute (in Czech ÚHÚL), Milan Švestka (senior researcher), Petr Šrůtka (Czech University of Agriculture Prague, Faculty of Forestry andWood Sciences) and Jan Liška (Forestry and Game Management Research Institute) for assistancein searching forhistorical data.We also thank Tomáš Hlásny (National Forest Centre, Forest Research Institute, Slovakia) for support with spatial data analysis. REFERENCES – Literatura Altenkirch,W.,1986: Die Nonne (Lymantria mo nac haL.) in Nordwestdeutschland 1977–1980. Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz 59(4): 67–74. Anonymous, 1951: LHC Jemnice LHP 1951–1960: Část I.-II,Všeobecná část. Lesprojekt, n. p., 95, Ždár n. Sázavou II a Brno. Anonymous, 1966: Všeobecná část LHC 1966–1975 LHC Želetava LZ Jemnice. ÚHUL Zvolen, pobočka Brno, 233, Brno. Anonymous, 1967: Historický průzkum lesů LHC Kardašova Řečice a Soběslav LZ Kardašova Řečice část 2. ÚHUL Brandýs n. L., pobočka České Budějovice, 163–365, Praha. Anonymous, 1969a:Všeobecná část LHP1968–1977 LHC Henčov LZ Henčov. ÚHUL Zvolen, pobočka Brno, 254, Brno. Anonymous, 1969b:Všeobecná část LHC 1968–1977 LHC Žákova Hora LZ Nové Město na Moravě. ÚHULZvolen, pobočka Brno, 300, Brno. Anonymous a, (year unknown): Historický průzkum lesů LHC Růžák aTěchlovice. ÚHULBrandýs n.L., 108, Praha. Anonymous b, (year unknown): Historický průzkum lesů LHC Sněžník. ÚHULBrandýs n. L., 88, Praha. Anonymous c, (year unknown): Historický průzkum lesů LHC Jetřichovice a Česká Kamenice. ÚHUL Zvolen, pobočka Jablonec n. Nisou, 106, Ja blo nec n. Nisou. Anonymous d, (year unknown): Historický průzkum lesů LHC Žandov. ÚHUL Zvolen, pobočka Jablonec n. Nisou, 66, Jablonec n. Nisou. Baier,U., 1995: Massenvermehrung von Lymantria monacha L. in den FichtenwäldernThüringens. Mitteilungen der Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft 9: 7–16. Bejer,B., 1986: Outbreaksofnunmoth(Lymantria monachaL.) in Denmark with remarks on their control.Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflan zen schutz, Umweltschutz 59 (5): 86–89. Blažek,F.,A.Dyk,F.Gercl, K.Irmann, J.Komárek, J.Malec, J. Mallat,A. Pfeffer, J. Rašek, J.Sekanina, J.Sigmond,F.Straňák, J.Škvařil, S. Voda, J. Vrabec,1932: Situační zpráva o mnišce za r. 1932. Knihtiskárna Petra Franka, 27,Tábor. Cescatti,A., A. Battisti,1992: Distribution and ecology ofLymantria monacha L. and Cephalcia ssp. in non-outbreak areas of Trentino Italy. Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz 65 (5): 92–99. Fischer,H., 1942: Die Massenvermehrung der Nonne in den Staatforsten des Regierungsbezirkes Gumbinnen 1897–1902. In: G.Wellenstein, Die Nonne in Ostpreussen (1933–1937). Monogr. Z. ang. Ent. 15: 17–41. Głowacka, B.1996:The nun moth (Lymantria mo nacha) as a pest of coniferous forests in Poland, |