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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

O. Tančeva Crmarić, S. Štambuk, Z. Šatović, D. Kajba: GENOTIPSKARAZNOLIKOST DIVLJE TREŠNJE ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 543-555

SUMMARY: Wild cherry (Prunus aviumL.) has recently drawn great attention
because of its noble and high quality wood, but also because of its importance
in preserving genetic diversity. Clonal material used to investigate
genotypic diversity of the wild cherry was taken from the clonal seed orchard
(Kutina Forest Office) and consisted of 24 selected plus trees from the area of
north-western Croatia. The clones were analyzed by 15 selected microsatellite
markers (SSR), chosen by the ECPGR. A wealth of allelic variations was
found in SSR loci, while a high degree of polymorphism confirmed the existence
not only of extensive morphological but also a very significant genetic
diversity. Based on pairwise proportion of shared allele distance (DPSAM)
among the 24 clones of wild cherry, the average genetic distance of 0.573 was
calculated. The smallest genetic distance (DPSAM= 0.100) was recorded between
the genotypes ‘KP2’ and ‘KP5’ (Kloštar Podravski, region Koprivnica),
which coincided in 27 out of 30 alleles, whereas the largest genetic distance
(DPSAM= 0.933) was found between the genotypes ‘Đu2’ (Đulovac, Bjelovar
region) and ‘L3’ (Lipovljani, Zagreb region), which differed in 28 out of 30 alleles.
The genetic distance matrix, based on pairwise proportion of shared allele
distance (DPSAM), did not show a clear classification of wild cherry
individuals with regard to their origin, i.e. region (Koprivnica, Bjelovar, Zagreb).
The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a significantly
higher percentage (95.88 %) of the total microsatellite diversity caused by the
differences among the invidividuals within the regions, compared to that caused
by the differences between the studied regions (4.12 %). The .
– statistics,
amounting to 0.041, was highly significant (P < 0.01) and indicates the existence
of specific regional structurality of genetic diversity. It is presented by
the axes of factorial correspondence analysis (FCA). The first axis explains

63.76 % of the total inertia and discriminates the individuals from the Zagreb
region from those from the Bjelovar and Koprivnica regions, while the second
axis with 36.24 % discriminates the individuals from the Bjelovar region from
those in Koprivnica region.

Key words:Prunus aviumL., microsatelites SSR, genetic diversity