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UDK 630* 923 + 946 (001)






ABSTRACT: Private forests in Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina are important
resources for national economic development. Based on differences in the
proportion of private forests, the countries differ substantially with regard to
the role of private forest owners, as well as the conditions of owner interest associations
in the forest policy processes. Since private forest owners are so diverse,
there is a need to better understand their expectation for interest
associations. Surveys were conducted in 2008 on random samples of private forest
owners in Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to examine the factors affecting
their expectations. The study examined seven categories of expectations:
silvicultural advice, harvesting advice, information about timber markets,
information about legal regulations, information about strengthening entrepreneurship,
support of forest road construction/maintenance and forest management
training. Seven models were developed to examine the factors affecting
each category of expectations. The results reveal that socio-demographic characteristics
of private forest owners, ownership structure, and property conditions
were associated with expectations. Three models (silvicultural advice,
strengthening entrepreneurship and support of forest road construction/maintenance)
were statistically significant in both countries. The strongest factor that
influences the expectations for Slovenian private forest owners was education
while in Bosnia-Herzegovina it was property size. Gender did not influence expectations
of private forest owners in either country. Understanding the underlying
factors influencing private forest owner expectations could aid in
developing appropriate forest policy instruments to support owner cooperation
within interest associations and improve private forest management.

Key words:private forests, interest associations, private forest owner
expectations, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Global processes such as transitioning to a market sectors in South-East European countries during the past
economy and democratization have affected the forestry few decades. These countries faced an unprecedented
scale of socio-political changes in a relatively short pe


Asist. dr. Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Biotechnical Faculty, De-
riod. Some, such as Slovenia, passed through the transipartment
of Forestry, Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,

tion with relative ease and already have consolidated

their positions within the EU. Conversely, countries like


Prof. dr. Donald G. Hodges, University of Tennessee,
274 Ellington Plant Sciences Bldg, USA,

Bosnia-Herzegovina are still struggling to overcome the


Bruno Marić, B. Sc., Faculty of Forestry, Zagrebačka 20,

challenges associated with the new social, economical,

71000 Sarajevo, BIH,

and political realities.All countries endeavouring to be


Prof. dr. Mersudin Avdibegović, Faculty of Forestry,
Zagrebačka 20, 71000 Sarajevo, BIH,

come members of the EU must adapt their institutions

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

and legal matters to European standards, including countries.Anumber of analysts have compared private

forestry. Due to the fact that more than one-half of Europe’s
forests are privately owned, significantly contributing
to wood supply, private forest ownership has a
central position in almost all European forest policy debates
(Schmithüsen andHirsch,2010).

The long period of centrally planned economies in
South-East European countries hindered the development
of scientifically-based knowledge on private forest
issues. During the period of socialism, private
forests largely were unattended and even abandoned by
both national forest policy makers and forest owners.
With political change and the associated processes
(e.g., privatisation, restitution, denationalisation), private
forest ownership now is an emerging topic in national
forest policy.At the same time, the complexity of
international forest policy processes resulted in new
modes of forest management in which private forests
owners are mobilised as a very strong interest group at
the national and international levels.The demands of
society on forests, including those in private ownership,
are changing rapidly, increasing the urgency for
improved forest conditions.Thus, the formation of interest
associations is one among the solutions for private
forest owners but also a logical reaction to the
increasing societal demands on private forests. However,
private forest owners have not established interest
associations in some South-East European countries;
their fate still rests mainly with public forest administration.
This is not in accordance with Pluralistic theory,
according to which interests groups are reflection
of the society with the various interests of its members
(Truman, 1951). This theory also does not explain
why private forest owners are not organized in these
countries.According to the Theory of CollectiveAction
(Olson, 1965), rational behaving individuals
support an organisation that works for the interest of its
members. On the other hand, if the number of potential
members (in this case private forest owners) is very
large, individuals behave quite rationally if they do not
join interest associations – they simply benefit as “free
riders”.The phenomenon of membership in private forest
owner interest associations and particularly the expectations
that members have from such associations is
a core research problem discussed in this paper.

Compared to central and western Europe, few studies
have addressed this problem in South-East European

forests in several European countries, presenting differ

ent aspects of private forest ownership, management,

and policy, including the issue of private forest owner
interest associations (Grayson, 1993; Niskanen
and Väyrynen, 2001; Hirsch et. al., 2007; Hägglund,
2008; Schmithüsen and Hirsch, 2010

More recently, several authors have explored the
issue of private forest owner associations in South-East
European countries, including the preconditions for establishing
independent interest associations and member
expectations (Pezdevšek Malovrh et. al, 2011;
Nonić et. al, 2011; Avdibegović et. al, 2010a; Avdibegović
et. al, 2010b; Glück et. al, 2010a;
Glück et. al, 2010b,Pezdevšek Malovrh et. al,
2010a; Pezdevšek Malovrh,2010b; Milijić et.
al, 2010;PezdevšekMalovrh,2006;Pezdevšek
Malovrh, 2005). Nevertheless, a significant lack of
knowledge on private forest ownership persists in these
countries, particularly knowledge gained from comparative
studies. Specific deficiencies in previous studies include
understanding the expectations of private forest
owners regarding interest associations (e.g. advices,
services, lobbying etc.) and the socio-demographic characteristics
affecting their expectations.

Private forests are important resources for national
economic development for both Slovenia and Bosnia-
Herzegovina, particularly in rural areas. Based on the
differences in the share of private forests (roughly 70%
of all forests in Slovenia and only 20%in Bosnia-Herzegovina),
the experiences with private forest owner associations
are quite different. Slovenian private forest
owners are relatively well organized by associations,
while private forest owners in Bosnia-Herzegovina are
poorly represented in national forest policy deliberations
due to the lack of independent interest associations.
Comparing the demands of private forest owners on their
interest associations in Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
can offer important information for key national forest
policy actors, public forest administration, and
private forest owners (particularly in Bosnia-Herzegovina).
Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify the expectations
of private forest owners for their interest
associations in these two countries as well as understand
how socio-demographic characteristics, ownership structure,
and property conditions affect these expectations.

METHODS OF RESEARCH – Metode Istraživanja

Similar quantitative surveys were administered to
private forest owners in Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
with some variation to account for country-specific
conditions.The surveys questioned owners about
a range of issues related to private forest owners and
management: gender, age, education, ownership structure,
property size, fragmentation, harvesting activities,
and expectations of their interest associations.The data
were obtained from personal face-to-face interviews
with randomly selected private forest owners.

The surveys were conducted with some basic sample
design concepts:

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

Expectations from interest associationsOčekivanja od interesnih asocijacija
Share (%) – postotni dio
Silvicultural advice
Savjeti iz ulaganja
Harvesting advice
Savjeti iz iskorištvaanja
Timber market
Tržište drva
Law regulations
Zakonske odredbe
Road support
Podrška za puteve
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Graph 1. Expectations of private forest owners in Slovenia of their interest associations

Grafikon 1 Očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika u Sloveniji od njihovih interesnih asocijacija

Expectations from interest associationsOčekivanja od interesnih asocijacija
Share (%) – postotni dio
Silvicultural advice
Savjeti iz ulaganja
Harvesting advice
Savjeti iz iskorištvaanja
Timber market
Tržište drva
Law regulations
Zakonske odredbe
Road support
Podrška za puteve
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Graph 2. Expectations of private forest owners in Bosnia-Herzegovina of their interest associations

Grafikon 2 Očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika u Bosni i Hercegovini od njihovih interesnih asocijacija

Slovenian private forest owners were most interested
in information about timber markets and forest
management training; private forest owners in Bosnia-
Herzegovina were most likely to expect support for
forest road construction and maintenance as well as silvicultural
advice. The most pronounced expectations
of Slovenian private forest owners can be explained by
the fact that the traditionally powerful Slovenia Forest
Service is focused mainly on supporting forest management
planning, harvesting, and silviculture. Private
forest owners, therefore, are mainly oriented to the associations
as a source of additional support on timber
markets and training. Because of the extremely low
density of forest roads in Bosnian forests, the expectation
of private forest owners for support in forest road
construction and maintenance is quite reasonable. Relatively
high interest for silvicultural advice can be explained
by the prevailing pattern of services offered to
private forest owners by the Public forest administration
(forest offices), which consists mainly of facilitating
the necessary administrative procedures related to
forest utilization.

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

– Because the majority of private forest owners in

Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina neither play an

important role in national forest policy processes nor

have a strong economic interests in managing their
forests, the target population consisted of all private
forest owners, not only the so called “active” ones.

– Personal data about private forest owners (name, address,
attributes of their property, etc.) were identified
from the Land and Property Register in Slovenia and
from local forest authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
– Sample size was adequate to achieve a 5%sampling
error at the 95%confidence level.

Asystematic random sample was developed for the
entire private forest owner population of Slovenia,
although the primary focus was on selected forest ma na gement
units of the Slovenian Forest Service where
private forest owner associations exist. In order to
identify 690 owners for interviews, owners were divided
in strata according to property size (up to 0.99 ha, from
1 to 4.99 ha, from 5 to 9.99 ha, from 10 to 29.99 ha, and
more than 30 ha). The sample within strata was dis proportionate
to the property structure of Slovenian
private forests (Forest management plans for regional
units 2000–2010). Within each stratum, owners were
divided into two groups of equal size: owners who were
members of interest associations and those who were
not. The questionnaire was pre-tested in 2007 and the
survey was conducted from May 2008 through May
2009.The sample used in the analyses consisted of 322
owners, or a response rate of 46,6 %. (Pezdevšek

The random sample for the door-to-door survey in
Bosnia-Herzegovina was drawn from overlapping
areas with the highest percentage of forest areas and the
highest share of private forests.This ensured that the
bulk of private forest owners were included.All municipalities
in Bosnia-Herzegovina were ranked by these
two criteria, so the most representative municipalities
(five in the Republic of Srpska and four in the Federation
of Bosnia-Herzegovina) were identified.In order
to identify 350 respondents to be interviewed, the list
of all local communities (settlements), within 9 selec ted
municipalities was created. In total, 35 settlements
were randomly chosenfromthe list of all local communities
(settlements) within the 9 aforementioned municipalities.
We cooperated closely with the public
forest administration and forest guards in the field to
create lists of all private forest owners in each settlement,
as well as to contact 10 per settlement once they
were randomly selected from the lists. The questionnaire
was pre-tested in March 2008 and the survey was
conducted in May and June 2008.

All data were summarized by descriptive statistics,
frequency distributions, and selected measures of location
and dispersion (mean and standard deviation). Multivariate
logistic regression (logit models) (Hosmer and
Lemashow, 2000) was used to assess how certain
forest owners and management characteristics were related
to their expectations of interest associations, by
means of the Enter algorithm (Field, 2009).The following
expectations of private forest owners from their
interest associations were evaluated as dependent variables:
(i) silvicultural advice, (ii) harvesting advice, (iii)
information about timber markets, (iv) information
about legal regulations, (v) information about strengthening
entrepreneurship, (vi) support of forest road construction/
maintenance and (vii) forest management
training. Each dependent variable had binary (dichotomous)
responses (1= owners expect service from interest
association; 0= owners do not expect service from
interest association). Separate logistic regression analyses
were conducted for each dependent variable. The
following independent variables were evaluated in logit
models: (i) gender, (ii) age (less than 50, more than 50),

(iii)education (primary school or less, high school, university
or more), (iv) forest property size (less than 1 ha,
more than 1 ha), (v) fragmentation (consolidate, fragmented),
(vi) form of ownership (sole holder, joint ownership)
and (vii) harvesting activities (harvest, do not
harvest). Before running the analysis, we assessed the
data for multicollinearity, using variation inflation factors
(VIFs), which ensure that no high correlations exist
when one independent variable is regressed on the other.
The results of the diagnostics revealed that collinearity
was not significant (noVIF exceeded 10).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION – Rezultati i diskusija

Expectations of private forest owners of interest associations

Očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika od interesnih asocijacija

The results show that private forest owners in both
countries have very clear expectations of their interest
associations. The expectations vary by country, however
(Graph 1 and 2), not only because of differences in
private forest owner preferences but also due to the different
type of question used in country-specific questionnaires.
Slovenian owners were asked ”From which
institutions do you expect the services/advice (e.g., silvicultural
and harvesting advice, training etc.)”, while
private forest owners in Bosnia-Herzegovina were
asked “Which service/advice do you expect from private
forest owner interest associations”. In general, this
has led to the lower absolute value of the results in
Slovenia compared to Bosnia-Herzegovina. In both
cases, multiple answers were obtained.

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

Multivariate logistic regression – Multivarijantna logistička regresija
The results of the multivariate logistic regression p value are presented in Table 1 for Slovenia and in
models reflecting expectations of private forest owners Table 2 for Bosnia-Herzegovina.
toward interest associations includingb coefficientand

Table 1. Results of multivariate logistic regression – Slovenia

Tablica 1 Rezultati multivarijantnelogističke regresije – Slovenija

Variables/Varijable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
Constant/Konstantan 0,096 0,544 --1,073 -0,253 -
Male/Muški -0,467 -0,323 ---0,424 0,298 -
Female/Ženski 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Less than 50/Manje od 50 0,486** -0,486*** ---0,082 -0,106 -
More than 50/Više od 50 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Primary school or less
Osnovna škola ili niže 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
High school/Srednja škola -0,913** -0,887** ---0,876** -0,174 -
University or more/Fakultet ili više -0,548 -1,060** ---0,864** -0,828** -
Form of ownership/Tip vlasništva
Sole holder/Jedan vlasnik 0,918*** 0,702*** --0,065 0,325 -
Joint ownership/Zajedničko vlasništvo 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Property size/Veličina posjeda
Less than 1 ha/Manje od 1 ha 0,717 -1,539** --0,081 0,633 -
More than 1 ha/Više od 1 ha 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Consolidate/U jednom komadu -0,051 -0,206 ---0,143 -0,487** -
Fragmented/Fragmentiran 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Harvest/Sijeku -1,193*** 0,337 ---0,614** 0,162 -
Do not harvest/Ne sijeku 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
57,438 37,609 6,070 13,940 19,725 21,045 12,451
p value/p vrijednost 0,000 0,000 0,639 0,083 0,011 0,007 0,132
Observations correctly predicted (%)
Korektno predviđene observacije (%) 63,0 61,9 --57,5 58,3 -
(Cox & Snell) 0,111 0,083 --0,044 0,044 -
(Nagelkerke) 0,155 0,111 --0,059 0,059 -

**Variables are significant at p<0,05; ***Variables are significant at p<0,001
**Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,05;***Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,001

Four models were statistically significant in Slovenia
–Model 1: silvicultural advice (correctly predicted
63,0 %), Model 2: harvesting advice (correctly predicted
61,9%), Model 5: strengthening entrepreneurship
(correctly predicted 57,5%) and Model 6: support
of forest road construction/maintenance (correctly predicted
58,3%).All evaluated independent variables except
gender were statistically significant in at least one
model. On the other hand, education as the independent
variable was statistically significant in all models.


These models were relatively weak, however, with R

ranging from 0,059–0,155.

Results of thesilvicultural advice model(Model 1)
for Slovenia reveal that private forest owners with high
school were less likely to expect silvicultural advice
than owners with primary school or less. Private forest
owners with university education were indifferent;
therefore, it cannot be concluded that education level
influenced expectations of silvicultural advice. Owners
managing their forests actively were less likely to expect
advice, due possibly to the prevailing, small-scale
forest ownership pattern which results mainly in short-
term, if any, economic interests of the owners. Younger
owners who are more open to advice and independent

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

decision makers were more likely to expect silvicultural
advice, as were sole holders.

Theharvesting advicemodel (Model 2), indicate that
private forest owners with higher levels of education
were less likely to expect advice in harvesting, as well as
owners who were younger and owned less than 1 ha of
forest. Educated and younger people are more likely to
live in urban areas, so they do not have specific interests
for their forests or advice, such as that associated with
forest harvesting (Pezdevšek Malovrh, 2010b
ibid). Small-scale forest property owners do not have
strong economic interests in managing their forests.
Conversely, sole holders were more likely to expect harvesting
advice compared to those who share ownership.
In these cases, management of private property is less
demanding as it does not involve coordination of interest
among the joint owners (Pezdevšek Malovrh
et. al., 2010aibid).

Results of the strengthening entrepreneurship
model (Model 5) indicate that owners who actively ma nage
their forest were less likely to expect that kind of
information from interest associations as were more
educated owners. Education is often linked to higher
incomes and therefore, fewer expressed entrepreneurship
characteristics related to their forests. The same
explanation applies tosupport on forest road construction/
maintenance (Model 6), where the owners with
higher levels of education (university or more) were
less likely to expect such a support from interest associations.
Those private forest owners who have consolidated
forest property were also less likely to expect
support in forest road construction/maintenance, which
might be the result of relatively high openness (density
of forest roads) of their forests.

Table 2. Results of multivariate logistic regression – Bosnia-Herzegovina

Tablica 2 Rezultati multivarijantne logističke regresije – Bosna i Hercegovina

Variables/Varijable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
Constant/Konstantan -0,670 --2,753 --38,313 1,447 -1,064
Male/Muški 1,066 -0,606 -18,570 0,132 -0,248
Female/Ženski 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
Less than 50/Manje od 50 0,058 --0,110 --0,112 -0,373 0,011
More than 50/Više od 50 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
Primary school or less
Osnovna škola ili niže 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
High school/Srednja škola -0,282 -0,399 -0,021 -0,091 0,52
University or more/Fakultet ili više 0,211 -0,386 -0,354 0,132 0,961**
Sole holder/Jedan vlasnik 0,532** --0,561** --0,621 -0,516 0,124
Joint owners/Zajedničko vlasništvo 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
Property size/Veličina posjeda
Less than 1 ha/Manje od 1 ha -1,199*** --0,481 --2,196*** -1,739*** -0,898***
More than 1 ha/Više od 1 ha 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
Consolidate/U jednom komadu 0,481 --0,850** -0,669 0,884** 0,861**
Fragmented/Fragmentiran 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
Harvest/Sijeku 0,349 -1,896 -18,084 1,382** 0,057
Do not harvest/Ne sijeku 1,000 -1,000 -1,000 1,000 1,000
30,610 15,414 36,908 13,780 32,248 43,077 25,625
p value/p vrijednost 0,000 0,052 0,000 0,088 0,000 0,000 0,001
Observations correctly predicted ( %)
Korektno predviđene observacije ( %) 63,4 -67,0 -91,4 82,0 70,2
R (Cox & Snell) 0,086 -0,103 -0,091 0,119 0,073
R (Nagelkerke) 0,117 -0,143 -0,205 0,194 0,102

**Variables are significant at p<0,05; ***Variables are significant at p<0,001
**Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,05;***Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,001


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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

koja utječe na očekivanja šumoposjednika u Bosni i Hercegovini. Spol ispitanika
nije bio statistički zanačajan ni u jednom od modela u obje zemlje. Statistički
značajna zajednička očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika u obje zemlje
odnose se na savjete glede uzgajanja šuma, savjete glede jačanja poduzetništva
i podršku u izgradnji i održavanju šumskih puteva. Rezultati istraživanja
pokazuju da je postojanje jasnih vlasničkih pravi preduvjet za učinkovito savjetovanje
glede uzgajanja šuma koje bi šumoposjednicima bilo ponuđeno od
strane interesnih asocijacija. Pored toga, utvrđeno je djelovanje interesnih
asocijacija važnije za sitne šumoposjednike ukoliko se želi unaprijediti gospodarenje
privatnim šumama. Kad je u pitanju podrška privatnom šumoposjedu,
uloga javne šumarske administracije u obje zemlje je izuzetno važna. To se posebno
odnosi na Bosnu i Hercegovinu u kojoj je djelovanje interesnih asocijacija
još uvijek vrlo skromno.

Razumjevanje potreba i očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika je važno za
razvoj i djelovanje interesnih asocijacija. Rezultati ovih istraživanja rasvjetljavaju
ta očekivanja i predstavljaju korisne informacije za ključne aktere nacionalnih
šumarskih politika, javnu šumarsku administraciju i privatne
šumoposjednike u Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini.

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

Five models provided statistically significant results
for Bosnia-Herzegovina – Model 1: silvicultural advice
(correctly predicted 63,4 %), Model 3: information
about timber markets (correctly predicted 67,0 %),
Model 5: strengthening entrepreneurship (correctly predicted
91,4%), Model 6: support of forest roads construction/
maintenance (correctly predicted 82,0%) and
Model 7: training in forest management (correctly predicted
70,2%).All independent variables evaluated except
gender and age were statistically significant in at
least one of the models.Although these models were


stronger than those for Slovenia, with R ranging from
0,102-0,205, they were still relatively weak.

Results of thesilviculturaladvicemodel (Model 1)
in Bosnia-Herzegovina point out that sole holders were
more likely to expect advice compared to those who
share in forest ownership. Small-scale private forest
owners were less likely to expect such advice.As small-
scale and joint forest ownership dominates in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, effective advising in silviculture offered
by private forest owner interest associations implies
some preconditions such as clarifying forest ownership
rights and enlarging individual private forest estates.

As concerns the information on timber markets
model (Model 3), sole holders who have less fragmented
forest properties were less likely to expect this
service from their interest associations.They are probably
more independent and market oriented than the average
owner, having adequate information on prices,
channels of distributions, and potential buyers. Following
this, one could conclude that level of harvesting activity
as independent variable would be statistically
significant for Model 3 also, but this was not a case.

Results of the strengthening entrepreneurship
model (Model 5) indicate that owners with smaller
properties (less than l ha) were less likely to expect this
kind of support from their interest association. Very
small private forest properties can preclude strong economic
interests and prevent entrepreneurship by the
owners.The same rationale can explain the low interest
of small-scale owners forsupport in forest roads construction/
maintenance(Model 6). Conversely, owners
who have clear economic interests (those who actively
manage their forest and have consolidated estates)
were more likely to expect such support from interest

Owners with smaller property size were less likely
to expectforest management training(Model 7), while
those who are more educated (university or more) as
well as the owners whose estate is consolidated were
more likely to expect forest management training from
their interest association.


The logistic regression models provide interesting
results regarding the variables related to private forest
owners’ expectations of their interest associations.
Moreover, these models help compare the expectations
of private forest owners for their interest associations
in Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as how
owner socio-demographic characteristics, ownership
structure, and property conditions influence those expectations.
The results suggest that information about
timber markets and forest management training were
the most popular expectations in Slovenia, while in
Bosnia-Herzegovina the most popular were support in
forest road construction and maintenance as well as silvicultural
advice.The variable with a strongest influence
in predicting expectations of Slovenian private
forest owners was education while in Bosnia-Herzegovina
it was property size. Gender has no detectable
influence on owner expectations of interest association
in both countries.

Only three of expectations examined (silvicultural
advice, strengthening entrepreneurship, and support of
forest road construction/maintenance) were statistically
significant in both countries. Furthermore, form of
ownership was the only variable that influenced expectation
silvicultural advice in both countries. Private forest
owners who are sole holders were more likely to expect
silvicultural advice compared to those who share in
forest ownership.These findings suggest that effective
advising in silviculture offered by private forest owner
interest associations implies some preconditions such
as clarifying forest ownership rights.The only variable
that influenced expectations for support of forest road
construction/maintenance in Slovenia and Bosnia-
Herzegovina was the fragmentation of estates. Private
forest owners in Slovenia who have consolidated forest
property were less likely to expect support for forest
road construction/maintenance; in Bosnia-Herzegovina
owners were more likely to expect this kind of support.
This suggests that differences in forest road density
have an effect on this expectation.

Private forest owners who manage their forests more
intensively were less likely to expect any kind of support
from interest associations. It might be explained by
prevailing economical interests – they simply want to
harvest their forests and for this purposes they do not
need any institution to advise them. Moreover, they see
all external influences (including both interest associations
and public forest administration) as a constraint on
the use of their forests. Considering all of this, as well
as the fact that intensive management is possible prima

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Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

rily on larger forest estates, interest associations are
much more important for small-scale private forest
owners. Findings of this research demonstrate that de
facto small-scale forest owners should be the main
focus of interest association activities.Without organizing
in interest associations, it is difficult to mobilize
great number of small private forest owners.

In Slovenia, where a traditionally well organized
public forest service offers different types of support to
private forest owners, the functions of interest associations
might be limited mainly to those services not provided
by the public forest service (e.g. timber
marketing activities). Considering the Slovenian experience
with associations as well as the fact that interest
associations are poorly developed in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
the role of the public forest service in supporting
small-scale private forest owners in Bosnia-Herzegovina
is crucial.The public forest service (including public
forest companies) traditionally has held a strong
position in the eyes of private forest owners and the
rural population in general.All forest policy actors in
Bosnia-Herzegovina agree that private forest owners
can manage their forests in a sustainable way only if
they are strongly supported financially and with technical
assistance, and therefore unanimously support the
formation of independent interest associations for private
forest owners.However, the public forest service
supports mandatory, not voluntary, membership. In

fact, the idea of obligatory membership is supported

not only by public forest service but also by the most of
private forest owners (Glück et. al, 2010bibid).

Private forest owners are a diverse set of individuals

who own significant proportions of the forests of Slovenia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Understanding their expectations
and demands will play a critical role in
determining the development of private forest owner interest
associations. The results of this research offer
meaningful insights into private forest owner expectations
and provide important information for key national
forest policy actors, public forest administration,
and private forest owners.The results may also provide
useful inputs for developing policy instruments that will
better cater to private forest owner needs. Further research
needed on this topic includes a better overview
of the expectations of interest associations and consistent
comparative analysis between countries, which
might be possible by developing the surveys with similar
questions.A larger sample size would increase the
predictive power of the model. Further research also
needs to examine how one expectation of interest associations
affects the decision to engage in other activities
offered by these associations. Furthermore, clustering
private forest owners according to their expectations
could be very helpful in targeting policy instruments to
specific population subgroups rather than applying the
same approach for all private forest owners.

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SAŽETAK: Zbog činjenice da je više od polovice europskih šuma u privatnom
vlasništvu, problematika privatnog šumoposjeda ima značajno mjesto u
europskoj šumarskoj politici. Zbog političko-ekonomskih okolnosti kroz koje
su prolazile zemlje jugoistočne Europe, ovom tipu vlasništva se u prethodnom
razdoblju nije pridavao odgovorajući značaj. Međutim, s političkim promjenama
i procesima koji su ih pratili (privatizacija, restitucija, denacionalizacija
i sl.) problematika privatnog šumoposjeda postaje sve više aktualna i u
ovim zemljama.

Iskustva u organiziranju privatnih šumposjednika kroz interesne asocijacije
različita su u Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini. U svrhu komparativne analize
očekivanja privatnih šumoposjednika od interesnih asocijacija u ove dvije zemlje,
kao i utjecaja različitih čimbenika na ta očekivanja, provedena su kvalitativna
istraživanja primjenom metoda intervjuiranja slučajno izabranih
ispitanika – privatnih šumoposjednika. U cilju ocjene veze između karakteristika
šumoposjednika/šumoposjeda i njihovih očekivanja od interesnih asocijacija,
korištena je multivarijantna logistička regresija. Očekivanja su grupirana
u sedam kategorija (ovisnih varijabli) a rezultati multivarijantne logističke regresije
su za svaku zemlju prikazani kroz odgovarajuće modele. Kao neovisne
varijable korištene su socio-demografske karakteristike ispitanika (spol, dob i
stupanj edukacije) te određene karakteristike njihovog šumoposjeda (veličina,
fragmentiranost, tip vlasništva i stupanj korištenja šume).

Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da šumoposjednici u Sloveniji od interesnih
asocijacija najviše očekuju informacije o tržištu šumskih drvnih sortimenata
i različite vidove edukacije o gospodarenju šumama. Šumoposjednici u
Bosni i Hercegovini su najviše zainteresirani za podršku u izgradnji i održavanju
šumskih puteva te savjetima koji se odnose na uzgajanje šuma. Četiri
modela (savjeti glede uzgajanja šuma, savjeti glede korištenja šuma, savjeti
glede jačanja poduzetništva i podrška u izgradnji i održavanju šumskih puteva)
su statistički značajni za slovenske šumoposjednike. U svim ovim mode-
lima, stupanj edukacije kao neovisna varijabla je bio statistički značajan. U
Bosni i Hercegovini je identificirano pet statistički zanačajnih modela (savjeti
glede uzgajanja šuma, informacije o tržištu, savjeti glede jačanja poduzetništva,
podrška u izgradnji i održavanju šumskih puteva i edukacija o gospodarenju
šumama). Veličina šumoposjeda je statistički najznačajnija varijabla