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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

Multivariate logistic regression – Multivarijantna logistička regresija
The results of the multivariate logistic regression p value are presented in Table 1 for Slovenia and in
models reflecting expectations of private forest owners Table 2 for Bosnia-Herzegovina.
toward interest associations includingb coefficientand

Table 1. Results of multivariate logistic regression – Slovenia

Tablica 1 Rezultati multivarijantnelogističke regresije – Slovenija

Variables/Varijable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
Constant/Konstantan 0,096 0,544 --1,073 -0,253 -
Male/Muški -0,467 -0,323 ---0,424 0,298 -
Female/Ženski 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Less than 50/Manje od 50 0,486** -0,486*** ---0,082 -0,106 -
More than 50/Više od 50 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Primary school or less
Osnovna škola ili niže 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
High school/Srednja škola -0,913** -0,887** ---0,876** -0,174 -
University or more/Fakultet ili više -0,548 -1,060** ---0,864** -0,828** -
Form of ownership/Tip vlasništva
Sole holder/Jedan vlasnik 0,918*** 0,702*** --0,065 0,325 -
Joint ownership/Zajedničko vlasništvo 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Property size/Veličina posjeda
Less than 1 ha/Manje od 1 ha 0,717 -1,539** --0,081 0,633 -
More than 1 ha/Više od 1 ha 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Consolidate/U jednom komadu -0,051 -0,206 ---0,143 -0,487** -
Fragmented/Fragmentiran 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
Harvest/Sijeku -1,193*** 0,337 ---0,614** 0,162 -
Do not harvest/Ne sijeku 1,000 1,000 --1,000 1,000 -
57,438 37,609 6,070 13,940 19,725 21,045 12,451
p value/p vrijednost 0,000 0,000 0,639 0,083 0,011 0,007 0,132
Observations correctly predicted (%)
Korektno predviđene observacije (%) 63,0 61,9 --57,5 58,3 -
(Cox & Snell) 0,111 0,083 --0,044 0,044 -
(Nagelkerke) 0,155 0,111 --0,059 0,059 -

**Variables are significant at p<0,05; ***Variables are significant at p<0,001
**Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,05;***Varijable su signifikantne kod p<0,001

Four models were statistically significant in Slovenia
–Model 1: silvicultural advice (correctly predicted
63,0 %), Model 2: harvesting advice (correctly predicted
61,9%), Model 5: strengthening entrepreneurship
(correctly predicted 57,5%) and Model 6: support
of forest road construction/maintenance (correctly predicted
58,3%).All evaluated independent variables except
gender were statistically significant in at least one
model. On the other hand, education as the independent
variable was statistically significant in all models.


These models were relatively weak, however, with R

ranging from 0,059–0,155.

Results of thesilvicultural advice model(Model 1)
for Slovenia reveal that private forest owners with high
school were less likely to expect silvicultural advice
than owners with primary school or less. Private forest
owners with university education were indifferent;
therefore, it cannot be concluded that education level
influenced expectations of silvicultural advice. Owners
managing their forests actively were less likely to expect
advice, due possibly to the prevailing, small-scale
forest ownership pattern which results mainly in short-
term, if any, economic interests of the owners. Younger
owners who are more open to advice and independent