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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

Š. Pezdevšek Malovrh, D. G. Hodges, B. Marić, M.Avdibegović: PRIVATE FOREST OWNER EXPECTATIONS ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 557-566

rily on larger forest estates, interest associations are
much more important for small-scale private forest
owners. Findings of this research demonstrate that de
facto small-scale forest owners should be the main
focus of interest association activities.Without organizing
in interest associations, it is difficult to mobilize
great number of small private forest owners.

In Slovenia, where a traditionally well organized
public forest service offers different types of support to
private forest owners, the functions of interest associations
might be limited mainly to those services not provided
by the public forest service (e.g. timber
marketing activities). Considering the Slovenian experience
with associations as well as the fact that interest
associations are poorly developed in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
the role of the public forest service in supporting
small-scale private forest owners in Bosnia-Herzegovina
is crucial.The public forest service (including public
forest companies) traditionally has held a strong
position in the eyes of private forest owners and the
rural population in general.All forest policy actors in
Bosnia-Herzegovina agree that private forest owners
can manage their forests in a sustainable way only if
they are strongly supported financially and with technical
assistance, and therefore unanimously support the
formation of independent interest associations for private
forest owners.However, the public forest service
supports mandatory, not voluntary, membership. In

fact, the idea of obligatory membership is supported

not only by public forest service but also by the most of
private forest owners (Glück et. al, 2010bibid).

Private forest owners are a diverse set of individuals

who own significant proportions of the forests of Slovenia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Understanding their expectations
and demands will play a critical role in
determining the development of private forest owner interest
associations. The results of this research offer
meaningful insights into private forest owner expectations
and provide important information for key national
forest policy actors, public forest administration,
and private forest owners.The results may also provide
useful inputs for developing policy instruments that will
better cater to private forest owner needs. Further research
needed on this topic includes a better overview
of the expectations of interest associations and consistent
comparative analysis between countries, which
might be possible by developing the surveys with similar
questions.A larger sample size would increase the
predictive power of the model. Further research also
needs to examine how one expectation of interest associations
affects the decision to engage in other activities
offered by these associations. Furthermore, clustering
private forest owners according to their expectations
could be very helpful in targeting policy instruments to
specific population subgroups rather than applying the
same approach for all private forest owners.

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