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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

M. Grubešić, K. Tomljanović, S. Kunovac: RASPROSTRANJENOST I BROJNOST JAREBICE KAMENJARKE ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 567-574

Čas, M,2010. Disturbances and predation on caper-Rucner,D., 1949: “Što je do danas poznato o jarebici
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Šumarski list, 9–10: 487–495. 144–145.

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XIV, br. 7, str. 73–76.

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vjesnik LXX, br. 10, str. 7–9. Terzić, F., 1982: “Još jednom kamenjarka pod
lupom”, Lovački vjesnik XCI, br. 12, str. 318–

Knežević, M., 1928: “Brdska jarebica ili kame


njarka”, Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik, XXXVII, br.
5/6, str. 176–181.
Trpkov,B., 1981: “Prilog proučavanju morfologije
kamenjarke”, Lovački vjesnik XC, br. 5, str.

Manios, N., M. Papazahariadou, S. Frydas,

N. Papageorgiou, E. Tsachalidis and J.
Georgopoulou,2002: “Tetrathyridium asa

Vidović,M., 1991, Grivna, knjiga 160 s.
mortality factor of rock partridge (Alectoris th

IX Perdix-Symposium

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www birdlife com


Martić,D., 2001, “Lov na kamenu”, knjiga 118 s.

Martić,D., 2007, “Lovstvo Splita 120 1887.–2007.”,

knjiga 117.
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Mustapić,Z., i sur., 2004: “Lovstvo”, knjiga 597.
vjesnikLXXV, br. 2, str. 64.

Radović, D., J. Kralj, V. Tutiš, D. Čiković,
2006. “Jata kamenjarki preplavila Omišku zagoru”,

2003: “Crvena knjiga ugoženih ptica Hrvatske”,
Dobra kob, br. 60, str. 22.

knjiga 179 s.
2008. “Vratila se grivna”, Dobra kob, br. 76, str. 56.

Randi,E., 2006:Evolutionary and conservation genetics
of the rock partridge, Alectoris graeca, 2009. “Jarebica kamenjarka u Hrvatskoj”, Šumarski fa-
Acta Zoologica Sinica, 52, 370–374. kultet Zagreb, 62 s.

SUMMARY: Determining the distribution and abundance of an animal
species is important from the standpoint of several scientific fields. From the
standpoint of hunting, and in view of the fact that partridge is on the game
hunting list in the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is
also a legal obligation.

Owing to its highly specific habitat requirements, the Rock Partridge inhabits
almost inaccessible terrains overgrown with various degraded forms of
deciduous and coniferous forests.

During the last fifty years different written sources have been used to determine
partridge abundance. In the last two years, data provided by the Central
Hunting Register have been considered official for the Republic of Croatia,
and data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Water Management
for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The smallest unit used to determine
the distribution area is the hunting ground.

According to the available data, the officially determined number or the
status of the parent fund in the territory of the Republic of Croatia entails 11
231 animals and a cull of 5 341 animals (table 1). In the territory of Bosnia
and Herzegovina the determined fund status is about 14 000 animals with a
cull of 760 animals. Although these numbers are the only official statistical
sources, they should nevertheless be taken with caution, particularly as regards
Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to some written data, the rock partridge
abundance monitored after the Second World War in the territory of the