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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 40     <-- 40 -->        PDF

M. Grubešić, K. Tomljanović, S. Kunovac: RASPROSTRANJENOST I BROJNOST JAREBICE KAMENJARKE ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 567-574

Republic of Croatia amounted to 7 000 birds. After this, the size of Rock Partridge
populations gradually increased to reach 35 000 birds in the mid1980s.
This was followed by an abrupt decline to only 10 000 animals, but in
the last fifteen years the partridge population has been slowly increasing in
numbers. The listed yearly overview can be seen in Table 1.

It should be stressed that during this period, the distribution area has most
probably remained almost unchanged, although some accurate documents are
missing. On the other hand, the reasons for such drastic changes in the abundance,
or even more importantly, in population density, are varied and mutually
intertwined. The current picture of the Rock Partridge status is
certainly promising; still, all leaseholders who manage the Rock Partridge
and all other experts involved in this issue have an obligation to improve the
picture. Vegetation succession, the lack of cattle fund, the disappearance of
suitable habitats, and growing numbers of hunters are definitely factors that
impede an improvement in the Rock Partridge abundance. If the goal is to increase
the number in the future, they will be forced to constantly ameliorate
habitat opportunities with hunting economic measures and above all, with
predator control.

Key words: Rock partridge, parent fund, cull, distribution, hunting