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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 41 <-- 41 --> PDF |
PRETHODNO PRIOPĆENJE – PRELIMINARYCOMMUNICATION Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 575-583 UDK 630* 156 + 134 MORPHOLOGICALVARIABILITYOFTHE CROATIAN WILD BOAR POPULATION MORFOLOŠKAVARIJABILNOSTPOPULACIJE DIVLJE SVINJE U HRVATSKOJ 111 2 Nikica ŠPREM, Marina PIRIA, Hrvoje NOVOSEL , Tihomir FLORIJANČIĆ, 21 Boris ANTUNOVIĆ, Tomislav TREER ABSTRACT: Between 2007 and 2009, a total of 181 individual wild boar were scored using nineteen morphological measurements from three geographical regions to describe morphological variety of the population throughout Croatia. In some regions we found phenotypical variability of the wild boar population based on hybridization The results of ANOVA show that some variables were significantly different (body weight, tail length, trunk length) but some of them were not homogenous for all age classes (circumference of shin, the most caudal point of scapula, circumference at chest) and were unable to highlight differences among the areas. The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed a connection of sampling sites with some morphological trait. Results of cluster analysis using TREE procedure indicate separation on the two subpopulations and suggesting the existence of morphological differences. Overall the results confirmed that different morphotypes of wild boar are detectable in some different areas of Croatia, and in some counties the wild boar population has been hybridized with domestic pigs, which result in phenotypical variability where the wild characteristics predominate. These results confirmed the need for population genetic studies to identify the different subpopulations of wild boar presently found in Croatia Key words:wild boar, Croatia, morphological variability INTRODUCTION– Uvod The Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) is one of the mountains and Mediterranean area.Therefore these re- most widely distributed terrestrial mammals, a native gions are suitable and have high potential for the study game of Croatia and economically very important of zoogeographic population characteristics and dynamspecies which significantly increased in numbers during ics. One of the biggest problems of wild boar population the last decades.Geographically, Croatia has a specific in Croatia is hybridization with domestic pigs which position in Europe where in a narrow zone of 150 km most often occurred after the war in the 1990’s (Šprem three different types of geographical elements are pre-2009).The consequence of this unwanted hybridization sent, continental-Pannonian basin, continental-Dinaric can be seen in a completely different animal phenotype. Morphological and quantitative data concerning wild animals is still scarce and more information is needed. It 1 Dr. sc. Nikica Šprem, doc. dr. sc. Marina Piria, is one of the most important phenotypic characteristics Hrvoje Novosel mag. ing., prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Treer, University of Zagreb, Faculty ofAgriculture, Department of Fis-of an animal, influencing fitness, life history and popuheries, Beekeping, Game Management and Special Zoology, lation ecology (Tymchuk etal. 2006).These data will Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia be interesting especially in species with some potential, tel.+385 1 2393 860, fax. +385 1 2315 300 2 Prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Florijančić, prof. dr. sc. Boris Antunović, for intensive exploration such as a biological model for University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty ofAgriculture, wild boar (Câmara Filho etal. 2003), and they pro- Chair forWildlife, Fishery and Beekeeping, Trg Sv.Trojstva 3, vide information on the growth and development of wild 31000 Osijek, Croatia |