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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 139 <-- 139 --> PDF |
M. Pernek, M. Županić, D. Diminić, T. Cech: VRSTE RODAPHYTOPHTHORA NABUKVI I TOPOLAMA... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 130-137 tion of forest site pollution: Development of met-pseudosyringae sp. nov., a new species causing hodology and training, 153–157, Ljubljana. root and collar rot of deciduous species in Europe. Mycol. Res. 107: 772–789. Jung,T., H.Blaschke,P.Neumann,1996: Isola tion, identification and pahogenicity of Phy-Kong,P., C.Hong,P.A.Richardson,M.E.Gal tophthora species from declining oak stands. legy, 2003: Single-strand-conformation poly- Eur. J. For. Path. 26: 253–272. morphism of ribosomal DNAfor rapid species differentation in genus Phytophthora. Fungal Jung,T.,D.E.L.Cooke, H.Blaschke,J.M.Dun- Genetics and Biology 39: 238–249. can, W.Oßwald,1999: Phytophthora quer cinasp. nov., causing root rot of European oaks. Kong,P.,P.A.Richardson, C.Hong,2005: Direct Mycol. Res. 103: 785–798. colony PCR-SSCPfor detection of multiple pyt hiaceous oomycetes in enviromental samples. Jung,T., H.Blaschke,W.Oßwald,2000: Involve- Journal of Microbiological Methods 61: 25–32. ment of soilbornePhytophthoraspecies in Cen tral European oak decline and the effect of site Rizzo,D.M., M. Garbelotto,J.M. Davidson, factors on the disease. Plant Path. 49: 706–718. G.M. Slaughter, S.T. Koike, 2002: Phy tophthora ramorum as the cause of extensive Jung,T.,E.M.Hansen, L.Winton,W.Oßwald, C.Delatour,2002:Three new species ofPhy-mortality ofQuercusspp. and Lithocarpus densiflorus in California. Plant Disease 86: 205–214. tophthora from European oak forests. Mycol. Res. 106: 397–411. Weste,G., G.C.Marks,1987:The biology ofPhytophthoracinnamomiin Australianforests. Annu. Jung,T., J.Nechwatal,D.E.L.Cooke, G.Hart- Rev. Phytopathol. 97: 207–229. mann, M. Blaschke, W. Oßwald, J.M. Duncan, C. Delatour, 2003: Phytophthora SUMMARY: The genus Phytophthora, belongs to the Oomycota, parasitizes on many species of woody plants, causing decay of roots which is often followed by climatic extremes. Phytophthora spores can survive in soil for several years waiting for optimal conditions for germination, zoosporangium is formed, from which zoospores are released. The zoospores are chemotactic swimmers which actively find tree fine roots that become infected. The disease develops over a long number of years, but certain factors can significantly speed up the decline of trees. Bleeding lesions on the trunk (Figure 1–3), increasing of the amount of dead branches, and lack of lateral shoots are typical symptoms ofPhytophthorainfection which was registered on two different tree species in Croatia (Fagus sylvaticaandPopulus x euroamericana). The consequence was a reduction of surface of leaves or the decline of vitality, and ultimately death of the tree. Given the importance of the problem in the world, and the potential dangers of Croatian forests, the aim of this study was to determine the presence of Phytophthora species in Croatia, and to assess the threat of their expansion. Investigations were carried out in Bjelovar and Osijek area in beech and poplar euro-american clones (Table 1). Samples of bark and soil were taken from trees with clear symptoms of the disease, and analysed in the laboratory. Parts of the samples were transferred to culture media (PDA, V8), and molecular analysis of suspected isolates was performed (Figure 5). Soil samples were processed by immersing in water, and pears, young leaves of oak, rhododendron young leaves and fresh apples were used as baits. The obtained samples were processed by surface sterilization and placed on several types of culture media, as mentioned above. Obtained pure cultures (isolates) were analyzed by molecular tehnics. The results show that the presence of P. cambivorawas confirmed on beech andP. cambivoraandP. ganopodyideson poplar. The occurrence of P. cambivorais related to changes of extreme dry and wet periods (Figure 6). The results on poplars shows that clone 275/81 have been significantly damaged by species ofPhytophthora. Key words:Phytophthora, root decay, beech, poplar clone |