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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 169     <-- 169 -->        PDF

V. Roth, S. Dekanić, T. Dubravac: UTJECAJ KRUPNOĆE ŽIRANAMORFOLOŠKI RAZVOJ JEDNOGODIŠNJIH ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 159-168

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SUMMARY: Increase of the share of high-quality seedlings in the total
production on the one hand enhances the production efficiency of the nursery
production, and on the other hand improves the probability for successful
planting in the field. The quality of the seedlings after the first growing season
is related to the quality of the seeds used. In the tree species with large seeds,
like pedunculate oak (QuercusroburL.), quality is related to the size of the
seed, i.e. the amount of stored nutrients. Therefore, the aim of this contribution
is to evaluate the effect of acorn size on the morphological development
of pedunculate oak seedlings during the first growing season under contrasting
light regimes.

In total, 891 visually healthy acorns collected in the certified seed stand
were planted in the “Bosnaplast” containers filled with peat (Figure 1). Part
of the containers were kept in the shade of about 10 % of full light during the
whole experiment. Before sowing, diameter, weight and length was measured
on subsample of 200 acorns. Regression analysis showed that the acorn mass
as the most important predictor of the nutrient content much more depends on
the acorn diameter, than on the acorn length (Figure 2). Therefore, three
acorn size classes were formed according to distribution of the acorn diameters:
small acorns (. 16 mm of diameter), medium-sized acorns (16,1 mm to
17,9 mm of diameter) and large acorns (. 18 mm of diameter). During the sowing,
acorns were measured for diameter and grouped into three classes of
acorn size. Position of each acorn was recorded within the container and each
container was labeled to facilitate the connection between the measurements
of the acorn size and the subsequent measurements of the emerged seedlings.
Subsample of 25 seedlings was removed from the experiment with fully developed
leaves for detailed measurements of leaf area, and allocation patterns
of dry biomass into three plant compartments: leaf, root, and stem. After the
first growing season, height and root collar diameter were measured on all
emerged seedlings.

Effect of acorn size and light regime on morphological features of one-year
old seedlings of pedunculate oak were examined with the analysis of variance.
Following morphological features of seedlings were tested: height (Figure 3A
and Table 1) and root collar diameter (Figure 3B and Table 1) of the seedlings,
leaf area (Figure 4A and Table 2) and specific leaf area (Figure 4B and
Table 2) of the seedlings, dry weight (Figure 5A and Table 3) and ratio of aboveground:
underground dry weight of the seedlings (Figure 5B and Table 3).