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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 202 <-- 202 --> PDF |
S. Perić, M. Tijardović, A. Jazbec: REZULTATI ISTRAŽIVANJAPROVENIJENCIJAZELENE DUGLAZIJE U ... Posebni broj Šumarskog lista, (2011), 1-3 SUMMARY: Establishment of forest cultures in Croatia begun around 1970s. Since then, share of cultures in Croatian forest fund varies while today it amounts to about 3 %. New scientific knowledge points out to justifiable reasons of further and enhanced establishment of Douglas fir cultures in Croatia (especially spontaneous increase of suitable areas for their establishment such as former agricultural land). This paper presents results of scientific Douglas fir research conducted in the scope of project “Management of conifer cultures”. Numerous trials which have been established during the last 40 years (in the scope of activities of Croatian forest institute) with the aim of determining the most suitable provenances for establishment of conifer cultures in Croatia have provided first results. According to those results Douglas fir showed best growth success among all investigated species. Douglas fir is one of the most valuable and important specie for timber production in the world. Combination of high quality wood with high productivity places Douglas fir on the top of the world’s timber production. In the country of its natural distribution this specie is the object of numerous scientific publications, while the research on Douglas fir success in Europe was conducted mostly in the scope of culture establishment. Its natural distribution spreads in the west part of North America. This specie is successfully introduced in almost all areas of temperate region in the world (Europe, southern part of South America and Australia) and in New Zealand. Douglas fir cultures occupies immense areas in North America where this species is naturally distributed. Douglas fir successfully adapts to broad range of site conditions, while provides high incomes and high quality products. It successfully grows in different climatic conditions, especially on deep and aerated soils, with pH 5–6, while on heavy soils with higher water content shows lower success. Although Douglas fir is the specie with deep root system, morphology of roots depends on soil properties. In the context of climate change Douglas fir seems to be very interesting commercial specie for Europe since it adapts easier to conditions of temperature increase and rainfall decrease during the vegetation period. Consequently, Douglas fir could be superior to Norway spruce which is currently most important economic specie in the Europe. Those characteristics, together with results of former research conducted on its success, makes Douglas fir suitable for establishment of new cultures on non-forest land in Croatia. As a result of all above mentioned information, part of this research was focused on analysis of Douglas fir provenances success 40, 42 and 45 years after culture establishment on three different localities of continental part of Croatia. Research on Douglas fir growth success was conducted in the 40th year after trial establishment on locality Durgutovica (Forest administration Vinkovci, Vinkovci forest office, ,) in the 42nd year on Slatki Potok locality (Forest administration Bjelovar, Veliki Grđevac forest office), and in the 45th year on the locality Mikleuška (Forest administration Zagreb, Kutina forest office). Trials were established in randomized block design in four repetitions. Trials include 23 different provenances in total (on all investigated localities – presented in Table 1). 19 provenances originate from areas of its natural distribution, mainly from lower altitudes (6 from Oregon, 3 from British Columbia and 10 from Washington). Four provenances originate from Europe, two of whichare from Croatia (Rovinj and Skrad), one from Bulgaria (Šipka) and one from Denmark (Hvidilde). Statistical analysis which has been conducted for all measured parameters (DBH, height, volume) on all localities showed statistically significant difference between provenances in the case of provenances on localities Durgutovica and Slatki Potok, while there is no difference between provenances on Mikleuška locality (presented in Tables 3, 4 and 5 for volume). Descriptive statistics for all localities, provenances and parameters is presented in Table 2. |