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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 240     <-- 240 -->        PDF

B. Vrbek, I. Pilaš: ISTRAŽIVANJE PROMJENANEKIH KEMIJSKIH I FIZIKALNIH OSOBINAU TLU ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 230-238

Škorić,A., 1973: Pedološki praktikum, Sveučilište u Croatian). MSc Thesis, University of Zagreb,
Zagrebu, Poljoprivredni fakultet-Zagreb pp 41 Zagreb, 121pp.
Špoljar,A., 1999. FAO Classification with a data-World Reference Base for Soil Resources (2006) World
base for Soil map of Croatia at small scale (in Soil Resources Reports 103. 132 p (FAO Rome).

SUMMARY: In the area of Đurđevački pijesci (Northern Croatia), at the
end of 19thct, forestation with the Scotch and Austrian pine has been carried
out; later on it has been performed with the black Locust as well, the aim of
which was to calm the active sands down and to stop the “Croatian desert” to
spread, together with improving of the ecological life conditions.

After about 100 years, this work analyses the forest vegetation influence on
some soil characteristics and crop productivity. The investigated vegetation
spread in an area of forest community of Peduncled Oak and Common Hornbeam(
Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris, Anić 1956 ex. Rauš 1969). The average
annual precipitation quantity is 950 mm; the average annual air
temperature is 10,1 oC. The parent material of soils contains 78–80 % SiO2
and 2–4 % CaO + MgO. The most important results of these researches are:

On sand area in north Croatia (Đurđevački Pijesci) in the period of
90–110 years under the forest of Austrian pine, Scotch pine and Black Locust
there has been formed – Rubic, Folic, Protic, Endogleyic, Haplic Arenosols
(Dystric, Greyic, Novic, Transportic). From the mentioned research and soil
data it can be concluded that the forest vegetation had a strong influence on a
progressive direction of the soil evolution. The sands represent a very recent
pedogenetic formation belonging mainly to the genetic-evolutionary stage of
leached sirozem (grey desert soils) with a tendency of future development towards
the initial Leptosol (Ranker).

Key words:Đurđevački pijesci, arenosol, forest vegetation, pedogenezis