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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 265     <-- 265 -->        PDF

E. Paladinić, D. Štimac, H. Marjanović, I. Balenović, M. Z. Ostrogović: SUŠENJE OBIČNE JELE (Abies alba Mill.) ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 248-263

between health categories of fir stands and realised assortment structure has
been confirmed. Concerning this, in process of timber assortment production
planning more attention on assortments tables should be done (carefully
choosing and constructing new ones adapted for different health categories).

Conclusions. This project was aimed to give additional contribution in resolving
discrepancy between planned and realised timber assortment production
from fir-beech stands with different degree of fir trees dieback. The main
reason for this discrepancy, especially in case of same health category stands,
most probably lays on current assortments tables which were constructed in
90’is and updated a few times mostly on empirical basis. Another reason, but
with considerably smaller influence on final production plan than assortment
tables is inappropriate tariff selection.

Performed statistical tests confirmed significant differences between planned
and realised timber assortment quantities in case of veneer. And such results
are in strong correlation with worse health condition of the majority ofresearched forest compartments (except the ones in f.m.unit “Široka Draga”).
Tests have been confirmed H1 on other timber assortments mostly for 1st and
3rd class of saw logs, pulp-wood and firewood category, and for 2nd class saw
logs haven’t. Worse wood quality of fir trees from stands with significant fir
dieback resulted in the statistically significant differences between planned
and realised values of pulp-wood and firewood assortment volumes. Recovered
wood category hasn’t been further analysed because of quite a small sample
collected on the field.

Testing H2 on realised production data of the same timber assortment
types between forest compartments belonging different health category, significant
discrepancies in quantities of assortment volumes between two observed
health categories have been confirmed.

Final recommendation or question to forest Management is “Would it be
possible to adjust spatio-temporally the realisation of sanitary selecting cutting
in fir-beach forests on yearly basis, in order to minimise timber production

Key words:health status category of stand, silver fir, dieback, forest
woody assortments, planned production, realised production