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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2012 str. 56     <-- 56 -->        PDF

S.Andrašev, M. Bobinac, S. Rončević, M. Vučković, B. Stajić, G. Janjatović, Z. Obućina: UČINCI PRORJEDE ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXVI (2012), 37-56

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Izbor razmaka sadnje pri osnivanju zasada to-proizvodnost stabala i šumskih sastojina,Šumarpola,
Topola, 159/160, str.7–28. ski fakultet, str. 368, Beograd.

Marković,J., S.Rončević, S.Andrašev,2001: Stanturf, J.A., C. vanOosten, D.A.Netzer, M.

Effect of plantation density on the production of
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and J. Richardson (Ed.), Poplar Culture in North
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tawa, ON KIAOR6, Canada, 153–206.

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organizacija “Slavonska šuma“, str. 61, Osijek.

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sadnje,Šumarstvo, 1–2: 39–57,Beograd.

Panić,Đ., 1973: Lokalne zapreminske tablice za topoluPopulus
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Guinier, cl. I-214 u zasadima različite gustine,
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SUMMARY:Research was conducted in the experiment plot of euramerican
poplar, clone I-214, which was founded with one year seedling type 1/1
with spacing 6 × 6 m in the square system on the alluvial soils of river Sava
basin in which browning processes is expressed.

Eleven years after the plantation establishment 3 blocks with two experimental
plot of 0.2016 ha, which are separated by a so-called. protective order,
were singled out. In the experimental plot all the trees were numbered and
measured by two cross-dbh, with an accuracy of 1 mm, and height, with an accuracy
of 1 dm. The crown projection radius of 8 positions, each rotated to
45o, were measured.

On the three experimental plots (one in each block) selective thinning was
carried out (PP-E), at which in each plots 50 % of trees were cut down, or the
distance between the trees raised on average 8.5 × 8.5 m. Firstly, a collective
called. promising trees set aside, in the number that corresponds to an average
distance of 8.5 × 8.5 m, and their main competitors were removed. The
trees behind in development, which is mainly due to additional filling in plantations
two years after planting, are also removed because they were judged
as silvicutural non-perspective. The remaining three experimental plots were
control (PP-K).

In each repetition trees for dendrometric analysis were sampled, the dominant
one (dg20%) and a mean tree which has mean quadratic diameter (dg). In
the 16thyears of plantation development diameters at breast height (dbh) and
height of each tree were re-measured, sa well as crown projection radius.

The development of mean and dominant trees showed that the investigated
habitat is the medium favorable for the cultivation of the poplar clone I-214.