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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2012 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

B. Matović, M. Koprivica, Z. Maunaga: PRIMJENAJEDINSTVENOG MODELAOBLIKADEBLASMREKE ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXVI (2012), 63-69

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SUMMARY: By applying modified Brink’s function, this paper presents the
unique generalized taper model of Norway spruce tree, developed for the area
of Bosnia and west Serbia. The objective of this research is adapt generalized
taper models (Models 1 and 2) for trees presented in the paper Matović, et al.
(2007), for practical use in forestry.

The significant quality of the modified Brink’s function is the correlation of
the characteristics of individual trees and stands and the function parameters,
so in this way generalized taper models can be calculated for the use in a definite
geographic region.

The study of Norway spruce taper is based on the data collected from 86
even-aged stands in the region of Bosnia and west Serbia, which is adjacent to
Bosnia. The total number of model trees is 156, and the number of data pairs
(diameter-height) is 2028.

The original parameters i, p and q of the modified Brink’s function were
first calculated for all model trees by the optimisation method - equations (1).
By applying the multiple regression method, a link has been established between
original values of parameters i, p and q, and characteristics of individual
trees (diameter at breast height and tree height), i.e. Model 3 has been

Model 3 is consisted of three functions used for determining the parameters
of generalized taper model i, p and q. Unknown parameters of the three