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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2012 str. 28 <-- 28 --> PDF |
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Šum. list, 85 (7–8): 254–261. Zagalikis, G., A.D. Cameron, D.R. Miller, 2005: The application of digital Photogrammetry and image analysis techniques to derive tree and stand characteristics. Can. J. Forest Res., 35 (5): 1224–1237. Summary Since it is impossible to measure diameters at breast height (dbh) directly from aerial photographs, existence of reliable dbh estimation models is crucial for the application of photogrammetric method in forest stands measurements. Research of relationships and creation of mathematic models for correlations between diameter at breast height and tree variables measured on aerial photographs (crown diameter, tree height, tree number etc.) was therefore the object of numerous scientific studies. Main goal of this paper was to create the regression models for main tree species (Sessile oak, Common beech, European hornbeam and Black alder) dbh estimation in "Donja Kupčina–Pisarovina" forest management unit of uneven-aged, privately owned, forests located at hilly regions (Figure 1). These models would serve as a prerequisite for the application of photogrammetric method in forest stands measurements, by using contemporary tools and digital photogrammetry techniques. Based on the former studies, and keeping in mind the heterogeneous structure of the researched stands, in dbh modelling were used two independent variables. First model (dM1) used crown diameter and tree height, while second model (dM2) used crown projection area and tree height for the above mentioned variables. Field measurements of stands’ structural elements (diameter at breast height, crown diameter and tree height (Figure 2)) needed for creating regression models was conducted on the sample of 383 trees in total (103 Sessile oak trees, 103 Common beech trees, 127 European hornbeam trees and 50 Black alder trees), distributed through 6 chosen compartments (16 to 21) at "Donja Kupčina–Pisarovina" forest management unit (Figure 1). |