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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2012 str. 3 <-- 3 --> PDF |
RIJEČ UREDNIŠTVA HRVATSKO ŠUMARSTVO NA RASKRIŽJU Prema definiciji: "Šumu čini šumsko tlo suvislo obraslo šumskim drvećem, grmljem i prizemnim rašćem, gdje se trajno proizvodi drvna tvar i općekorisna dobra izražena u ekološkim (zaštitnim), društvenim (socijalnim) i socijalno-ekofi ziološkim funkcijama šume, u kojoj vlada ravnoteža i uzajamni odnosi između životne zajednice ili biocenoze (biljke, životinje, mikroorganizmi) i staništa (tlo, klima, reljef)". Dakle, kada govorimo o šumi, govorimo o zraku, vodi, klimi, tlu, krajoliku, biljnom i životinjskom svijetu. Šumarstvo je pak znanost, struka i umijeće gospodarenja u tom najsloženijem ekosustavu na dobrobit čovjeka i prirode. Hrvatsko šumarstvo ponosi se ponajprije 250-godišnjom tradicijom gospodarenja šumama po načelu potrajnosti, te do nedavno s pravom isticanim jedinstvom obrazovanja, znanosti, prakse pa i šumarske politike (resornog ministarstva), objedinjenih u Hrvatskom šumarskom društvu, što je rezultiralo očuvanošću naših šuma. U zadnjih 10-tak godina, kada se politika umiješala gotovo u sve pore šumarstva, zapostavlja se stručnost i znanstvena saznanja (a odnedavna se čak iz naziva ministarstva briše riječ "šumarstvo"!). Desetljećima podržavano jedinstvo ozbiljno je načeto. Tako primjerice izostaje suglasnost: glede izgradnje Kanala Dunav-Sava, gdje se dovodi u pitanje obstojnost Spačvanskih šuma (o čemu su šutile i rukovodeće garniture šumarske operative), potom glede uvođenja koncepta zaštite Natura 2000 kojom su obuhvaćene znatne površine šuma, posebice gospodarski najproduktivnije kontinentalne sastojine. Po dru giputa politika odlučuje smanjiti sredstva OKFŠ-a, unatoč saznanju da ona služe za ulaganja i održanje općekorisnih funkcija šume, pa i u šumarsku znanost, te da su za tu svrhu dužni izdvajati svi gospodarski subjekti, svi redom i korisnici tih funkcija. I nadalje nemamo Strategiju šumarstva, a govori se i o novom Zakonu o šumama, pa povremeno i koncesijama našume, o čemu je HŠD također dalo svoje mišljenje. Rasprave o problemima šumarstva na stručnoj razini, kojom bi se zacrtale određene smjernice, prestala nagađanja pa i opravdana bojazan za šume i šumarstvo, još uvijek nema niti na vidiku! Činjenica, da je približno 80 % šuma po površini (a gotovo 90 % po vrijednosti) u državnom vlasništvu i da je gospodarenje njima povjereno trgovačkom društvu Hrvatske šume d.o.o., koje zapošljavaju oko 8000 zaposlenika i velik broj visoko stručnih šumarskih kadrova, opravdava zanimanje struke za politiku nove Uprave. Još uvijek, naime, stječe se dojam da je sve obavijeno velom tajne, povremeno nešto saznamo iz intervjua u tisku ili pak "procure neke upute". Profit je neizostavna riječ, samo nismo sigurni da mjerodavni pravilno vrednuju profi t u šumarstvu, odnosno da li u početnoj definiciji šume uvažavaju samo drvnu tvar (naravno poštujući osnovu gospodarenja, a ne stvarajući dobit na neizvršavanju npr. uzgojnih radova, kako se to ponekad u zadnje vrijeme znalo događati), umjesto da uvaže sve ostalo što šuma daje, a što je puno važnije i vrijednije. Slušamo o višku zaposlenih, a "nešumarske djelatnosti" išle bi u zakup (jer valjda šumarski djelatnici nisu sposobni za prekvalifikaciju, a privatni poduzetnici imaju odnosnih stručnih kadrova u izobilju?!). Dijelu viška zaposlenih dokupio bi se radni staž, pretpostavimo, kako bi "poboljšali strukturu zaposlenih u odnosu na umirovljenike". Ima inženjera koji su zaposleni na određeno vrijeme, primjerice već 3. godinu uzastpce, sada im se ugovori neće produžavati, iako su po sistematizaciji potrebni u proizvodnji, što je oprečno proklamiranoj brizi za mlade stručnjake. Ako je pak istina da u "uputama" stoji da će se u buduće zalaganje u poslu vrednovati sa 65 %, a znanje sa 35 %, onda dobro došli u "Hrvatsku – zemlju znanja"!. Ovo su samo neka od pitanja za razmišljanje, ima ih dakako još i nije za zamjeriti ako na njih tražimo i očekujemo odgovore, no stječe se dojam da nas sada politika još većom politizacijom pokušava spasiti valjda same od sebe. Na kraju, spomenimo i malu "preobrazbu" našeg glasila, na koju smo se odlučili kako bismo osuvremenili vizualni profil časopisa i još bolje ga pozicionirali u okružju europskih i svjetskih znanstvenih i strukovnih izdanja, u kojemu se danas nalazimo. Nadamo se da će ove promjene biti pozdravljene, a bit će i mogućnosti za daljnje dotjerivanje. Uredništvo Šumarskog lista želi svakako očuvati što čvršći kontakt sa svojim čitateljima, posebno u bremenitim vremenima u kakvima danas živimo. Uredništvo |
ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2012 str. 4 <-- 4 --> PDF |
EDITORIAL CROATIAN FORESTRY AT THE CROSSROADS One of the many definitions of a forest states that: "A forest comprises forest soil coherently covered with forest trees, shrubs and ground vegetation, where wood matter is permanently produced and where non-market goods are expressed in the ecological (protective), social and socio-ecophysiological functions of a forest. A forest is characterized by harmony and mutual relationships between the living community or biocoenosis (plants, animals, microorganisms) and site (soil, climate, relief)". Therefore, when we talk about forests, we talk about air, water, climate, soil, landscape and plant and animal world. Forestry is a science, profession and art of managing this highly complex ecosystem to the benefit of mankind and nature. Croatian forestry is proud of its 250 years of tradition in managing forests according to the principle of sustainability, and of, until recently justly declared harmony of education, science, practice and even forest policies (competent ministry), united in the Croatian Forestry Association. The result of this unity is the exceptionally well preserved condition of Croatian forests. In the past 10 years, however, with politics penetrating almost all the pores of forestry, expertise and scientific know-how has been increasingly neglected (to the point that the term "forestry" has been deleted from the name of the ministry!). Unity fostered for decades has been severely undermined. Here are just a few examples: there are differing opinions related to the construction of the Danube-Sava Canal, which seriously threatens the survival of tbe Spačva forests (and about which the competent bodies of the forestry operative remained silent); next, there is no agreement in connection with the introducti on of the Natura 2000 protection concept, which comprises large forested areas, and the most productive continental stands in particular. For the second time, politics has decided to cut down on the means for OFKŠ (Non-Timber Forest Functions), despite the well known fact that these funds are invested into the sustenance of non-timber forest functions and forestry science. Hence, all economic subjects, who are also keen users of these functions, have the obligation to set aside the means for this purpose. The Croatian Forestry Society has discussed many topics of interest, including the worrying fact that the Forestry Strategy is still lacking. There has also been talk about the new Forest Law and about concessions on forests. Yet, professional debates which would provide guidelines to the solution of forestry problems and which would put a stop to speculation and even to justified fears for forests and forestry, are nowhere to be seen! The fact that around 80% of the forests in terms of surface area (and almost 90% in terms of value) are state-owned and that they are managed by the company Hrvatske Šume Ltd, which employs about 8,000 people, including a large number of high ly qualified forestry experts, justifies the interest of the profession in the policy of the new Management Board. Sadly, we still have the impression that all is shrouded in a veil of secrecy; we sometimes get a glimpse of things from an interview in the press, or else some "directives leak out". Profit is a "must" word – it is just that we are not sure that those in authority valorise profit in forestry adequately; in other words, we fear that they only value wood matter from the afore mentioned defi nition, naturally, respecting the management plan, and not making profit by not applying, e.g. silvicultural treatments, as has been the case recently,instead of taking into account all the other goods provided by a forest, which are far more important and valuable. We hear about surplus workforce, while at the same time "non-forest activities" will be put up for lease (does this mean that forestry workers are not capable of retraining and that private entrepreneurs have adequate specialist workforce in excess?!). A part of surplus employees would receive paid years of work, we assume, in order to "improve the structure of the employed in relation to the retired". Th ere are engineers who are employed part time for as many as three consecutive years. Now, their contracts will be terminated despite the fact that their profile is needed in production, which is in stark collision with the proclaimed care for young experts. If it is true that in future, according to the "directives", dedication at work will be valorised with 65% and knowledge with 35%, then welcome to "Croatia – Land of Knowledge"! We have given here some food for thought; naturally, there are many more issues that need discussing, so it is only natural that we require and expect answers and solutions. Still, we have the impression that now politics is trying to save itself from itself by increased politicisation. Finally, let us mention a slight "transformation" of our journal, which we have initiated with the goal of modernizing its visual profile and achieving its even better positioning among the current European and world scientifi c and specialist publications. We hope that the changes will be welcome and accepted. Naturally, we are open for further improvements. The Editorial Board of Forestry Journal wishes to retain fi rm contacts with its readers, especially in the hard times awaiting us all. Editorial Board |