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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2012 str. 56 <-- 56 --> PDF |
by the clone ‘PE 19/66’ in the seven-year plantation. It gives the maximum amount of energy of 120.241 GJha–1 per year in the Experimental plot 2, and 134.556 GJha–1 in the Experimental plot 3. In the SRC plantations this clone is significantly behind in comparison with the ‘B81’ clone that gives the highest yield of 121.523 GJha–1. However, it should be noted that the clone ‘B81’ behave similarly in all experiments, i. e. that the oscillations of yield and biomass energy are small, and that the seven-year plantation do not show maximum, but they are very close to the maximum values obtained by the clone ‘PE 19/66’. The maximum value is achieved at the Experimental plot 3, which is about 12 % higher in comparison to other plantations. Comparing the minimum values the same trend is recognized – the largest amount of energy by cl. ‘182/81’ of 92.319 GJha–1, which is compared with the clone ‘Pannonia’, which gives the least amount of energy in the SRF, of only 35.579 GJha–1. Ratio between the minimum values is 1 : 2.6, which is also found in the analysis of dendromass yield, because the differences between the calorific values of wood of some clones are minor. Conclusions Zaključci The research was carried out in three plot experiments established in the North part of Serbia – Vojvodina Province. Results presented for biomass production of five poplar clones in the testing phase: P. deltoides cl. ‘B‑229’, P. deltoides cl. ‘B‑81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘182/81’, P. deltoides cl. ‘PE 19/66’, and Euramerican poplar P. × canadensis cl. ‘Pannonia’, in plantations of seven years with spacing of 6 × 6 m (278 plants ha–1, Experimental plots 2, 3) on two soil types. Also, the analysis of the biomass production of the same clones that were established as dense planting distance has been done, by the sprouting one shoot per stool after harvesting in the Experimental plot 1, at planting space with 16667 plants ha–1. The energy that could be obtained by biomass combustion, on base of calorific (heating) values for the examined tree clones has been estimated. In the SRF plantations in Experimental plot 3, is achieved the highest yield of both biomass and energy. It is in the range of minimum 646.236 GJha–1 for clone ‘182/81’, to 941.889 GJha–1 for clone ‘PE 19/66’ that reaches the maximum value. This clone is the best in the Experimental plot 2, too. In the SRC plantations the maximum is achieved by clone ‘B81’, and it has the least fluctuations in all experiments and it is very close to maximum values in SRF plantations. Maximum annual energy yield for all experimental plots were in narrow spacing density from 120.241 GJha–1 (cl. ‘PE 19/66’, Exp. plot 2) to 134.556 GJha–1 (cl. ‘PE 19/66’, Exp. plot 3). Acknowledgements Zahvala This paper was realized as a part of the project "Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation" (43007) financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of integrated and interdisciplinary research for the period 2011–2014. References Literatura Benetka, V., I. Bartakova, J. Mottl, 2002: Productivity of Populus nigra L., ssp.nigra under short-rotation culture in marginal areas. Biomass and Bioenergy 23 (5):327–336 Ciria, M.P., P. Mazón, J. Carrasco, J. Fernandez, 1995: Effect of rotation age on the productivity of poplar grown at high plantation density. Biomass for energy, environment, agriculture and industry, Proceedings of the Eighth European Biomass Conference 489–494, Vienna, Austria. Fang, S., X. Xu, S. Lu, L. Tang, 1999: Growth dynamics and biomass production in short-rotation poplar plantations: 6-year results for three clones at four spacings. 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