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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2012 str. 30 <-- 30 --> PDF |
inspekcija), Dariju Peraiću (Šumarija Knin), Damiru Žagaru, Mislavu Maršiću i Zvoni Benčiku (Šumarija Zadar), kao i laboratorijskoj podršci Blaženki Ercegovac i Zlatku Huljini (Hrvatski šumarski institut). Autori se također zahvaljuju anonimnim recenzentima na vrlo dobrim i konstruktivnim sugestijama, kojim je članak značajno unaprijeđen. Literatura References Anonymous, 2012: Report of the research project V4-1075 – threatening of Pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchos xylophilus to Slovenian Forests, 2010–2013, 2 str. Braasch, H., 2000: Pest risk analysis of pinewood nematode- related Bursaphelenchus species in view of South European pine wilting and wood imports from Asia: final report, BBA Chou, C. K. S., M. MacKenzie, 1988: Effect of pruning and season on Diplodia pinea infection of Pinus radiata stem through pruning wounds. European Journal of Forest Pathology 18: 437–444. Dalstein, L., N. 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