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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2012 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

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In recent years significant decline of pine trees of different species, age, size and position in the forests of Northern Dalmatia has been recorded. This research involves several biotic factors associated with climate extremes, which could cause such harm. In addition to the climate analysis, Pine Processionary Moth, pinewood nematodes, longhorn beetles, bark beetles, needlecast disease caused by fungus were investigated.
Results indicate that the mean temperature and precipitation values in the area of Northern Dalmatia deviated significantly from the mid of 2006 to the end of 2008. In this period, extremely high temperatures and severe droughts were recorded. Climatic extremes, especially drought, can be considered the basic adverse factor causing stress and physiological weakening of pine trees and simultaneously improving the conditions for attacks of various types of pests. Favourable conditions caused linking up of adverse factors, the phenomenon has not been explained so far, and it is a possible cause of drying of the crown portions, and sometimes even dieback of individual trees, and more rarely, group of trees. Drought, as a trigger, weakened pines that were subsequently attacked by several species of pathogenic fungi: Lophodermium pinastri, L. seditiosum, Sphaeropsis sapinea, Mycosphaerella pini, Cyclaneusma niveum and Elytroderma torres-juanii. The largest damages were caused by attacks of the fungus S. sapinea.