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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2012 str. 25 <-- 25 --> PDF |
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Vukelić, J., Baričević, D., Pernar, N., Bakšić, D., Racić, D., Vrbek, B., 2008a: Phytocoenological-pedological features of subalpine beech forests (as. Ranunculo platanifoliae-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993) on northern Velebit. Periodicum biologorum 110(2): 163–171. Westhoff, V., van der Maarel, E., 1973: The Braun-Blanquet Approach. In: Whittaker R. H. (ur.) Ordination and Classification of Communities. The Hague, W. Junk, 617–726. Summary: The area of Učka Nature Park is comprised of the Učka massif and part of Ćićarija and is characterized by its specific position on the border of Continental and Mediterranean climatic influence. Such position is resulting in high richness and diversity of plant species and communities. One of the fundamental characteristics of this area are beech forests which can be classified as continental plant communities, but as a result of such specific position they are also characterized by many submediterranean elements. A total of 114 relevés were made during the field research and description of habitats was done including geographical coordinates, slope estimation, aspect and vegetation layers cover. Numerical analyses of floristic composition were conducted using software packages SYN-TAX 2000 and PC-ORD. To determine vegetation types and their syntaxonomic status, relevés from Učka were compared to corresponding relevés of beech forests of Aremonio-Fagion from the surrounding area of Croatia and Slovenia. In total, 1353 relevés were analysed. Out of those relevés, 982 were from the Slovenian database of relevés, 184 from the Croatian database of relevés of forest vegetation, 71 were personal unpublished relevés form the area of Lika and Gorski kotar and, finally, 114 relevés were from the area of Učka Nature Park. Ordination analysis was conducted with the programme package CANOCO 4.5. For the description of ecological conditions we used ecological indicator values (EIV) according to the Pignatti. Descriptive statistics was calculated for environmental variables using software STATISTICA. During the phytosociological survey we recorded 203 species of vascular plants. After the classification of relevés, as well as the camparison with the relevés of corresponding vegetation types in the area of south Slovenia, |