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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2012 str. 51 <-- 51 --> PDF |
on specimens of P. curvidens and P. spinidens represent H. ulmi? In the latter case, H. ulmi could arrive on the bark using A. reticulates as a primary phoretic carrier and could, in addition, switch to P. curvidens or P. spinidens as secondary carriers. Alternatively Pityokteines could be the usual primary and A. reticulates only the usual secondary carrier, which then in our T1 tree only exceptionally arrived first with the mite deutonymphs attached. An analysis of how species of the H. piceae-group are phylogenetically related to each other is not presented here, because there are not enough characters available for a meaningful phylogenetic reconstruction. Perhaps H. ulmi and H. piceae are sister-species due to their very similar deutonymphs. The results of these studies show that rearing histiostomatid mites until adulthood is often important for a precise species determination. This is because closely related species such as members of the H. piceae-group may have nearly identical deutonymphs. With H. ulmi, it is surprising that we found the mites neither on the carriers (Hypophloeus bicolor inside Scolytus sp. galleries) nor on the trees (Ulmus sp.), where they were |