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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2012 str. 66 <-- 66 --> PDF |
Richardson, D. M., P. Pyšek, M. Rejmanek, M. G. Barbour, F. D. Panetta, C. J. West, 2000: Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitions. Diversity and Distributions 6: 93–107. Ruščić, M., 2002: Urbana flora Splita. Magistarski rad. Biološki odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb. Šilić, Č., 2005: Atlas dendroflore (drveće i grmlje) Bosne i Hercegovine. Matica hrvatska Čitluk i Franjevačka kuća, Masna luka, pp 528. Šugar, I., 2008: Hrvatski biljni imenoslov. Matica hrvatska, 977 str. Zagreb. Tafra, D., 2009: Vaskularna flora Omiša. Magistarski rad. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 94 str., Zagreb. Trinajstić, I. (ed.), 1975–1986: Analitička flora Jugoslavije 2(1–4). Institut za botaniku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sveučilišna naklada Liber, Zagreb. Tutin, T. G., V. H. Heywood, N. A. Burges, D. M. Moore, D. H. Valentine, S. M. Walters, D. A. Webb (eds.), 1964–1980: Flora Europaea 1–5. Cambridge University press. Cambridge. Walters, S. M., A. Brady, C. D. Brickell, J. Cullen, P. S. Green, J. Lewis, V. A. Matthews, D. A. Webb, P. F. Yeo, J. C. M. Alexander, (eds.) 1984–1986: The European Garden Flora, I–II. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Walters, S. M., A. Brady, C. D. Brickell, J. Cullen, P. S. Green, J. Lewis, V. A. Matthews, D. A. Webb, P. F. Yeo, J. C. M. Alexander, 1989: The European Garden Flora, III. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Vidaković, M., J. Franjić, 2004: Golosjemenjače, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb, 823 str., Zagreb. Summary This paper presents a list of woody plant taxa and their dendrological and horticultural qualities. Taxonomical, ecological and phytogeographical analysis cover 239 of taxa. The results are given in Tables 1–2. There are 72 families, 156 genera and 239 of taxa in total (Table 1), twenty of them belonging to gymnosperms and 219 to angiosperms. The angiosperms group is largely dominated by the dicotyledones (205 taxa; 85.87 %). Out of 72 families, four of them have more than 10 species and subspecies. The largest number of species belongs to the Rosaceae (33 taxa; 13.80 %), Fabaceae (14 taxa; 5.86 %), Oleaceae (13 taxa; 5.44 %) and Lamiaceae (11 taxa; 4.60 %) families. Species from the above mentioned four families make 29.71 % of the total woody plants of the Omis. The composition of woody plants of the Omis is quite heterogeneous which is obvious from a large number of families (72) and genera (156). There is only 1.53 species per genus and 3.32 species per family. The most frequent genera are Prunus (11 taxa), Tamarix (5 taxa) whereas Acer, Lonicera, Populus, Rosa and Ulmus are present with 4 taxa. Analysis of dendroflora due to habitat type (acc. to Erhardt et al. 2002) indicates the dominance of shrubby forms (132 of taxa; 55.23 %), following by the trees (83; 34.73 %), while the group of woody climbing plants is the least represented (24; 10.04 %). Within the dendroflora of Omis, there are 89 (37.20 %) autochthonous and 150 (62.80 %) allochthonous species. Of the total number of taxa of autochthonous dendroflora, 43 of taxa (48.31 %) occur in the wild, 24 (26.97 %) grow only in culture, while 22 of taxa (24.72 %) occur in culture as well as in the natural and seminatural vegetation. The allochthonous ones are dominated by species in culture (121 species; 80.67 %), casual (21; 14.00 %) and 8 naturalised. These results are consistent with those relating to other parts of Croatia. An increased presence of allochthonous plants, especially neophytes, is a reliable indicator of the intensity of the anthropogenic impact to the flora. The majority of all the allochthonous species that appear on different areas never manage to get naturalised so their existance depends on the re-appearance of the diaspora. A small number of the naturalised species has the ability of invasively spreading beyond the place of their original appearance. In woody plants of the Omis, naturalised species are represented by 3 species (Agava americana, Morus alba and Prunus cerasifera) and the invasive ones by 5 species (Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha fruticosa, Broussonetia papyrifera and Robinia pseudoacacia). |