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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

Blechnum spicant, Abies alba, Oxalis acetosella and Phegopteris conectilis, which belong to the class of holarctic coniferous forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea) and indicate a higher level of habitat acidity. The Lipje relevés were distinguished from the other fir-beech subassociations mainly by species Epimedium alpinum, Carpinus betul­us, Helleborus dumetorum, Quercus petraea, Hedera helix, Melica uniflora, Euonymus europaea, Galium album, which can mainly be classified in the alliance of thermo­philous Illirian oak-hornbeam woods (Erythronio-Carpinion) or class of termophillous oak forests of Submediterranean regions (Quercetalia pubescentis). The Lipje forest reserve seems to be most related to hornbeam and fir-beech phytocenoses of lower altitudes and carbonate bedrock in the surrounding region, particularly to the secondary horn­beam phytocenoses, classified as Asperulo-Carpinetum, which grow on abandoned agricultural areas or degraded, potential beech habitats.
Shannon-Wiener index values indicated a greater degree of diversity in the Lipje relevés compared to fir phytocenoses and a slightly lower degree compared to hornbeam and submontane beech forests (Figure 5 upper right corner).