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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

In terms of site conditions evaluated with Ellenberg indicator values (EIV), we found the greatest difference between the Lipje sites and submontane beech forests, but also between Lipje and fir forests. Light conditions in Lipje were significantly less favorable (Tukey HSD, p < 0.05) compared to Hacquetio-Fagetum as well as Abio albae-Carpinetum betuli. Temperature conditions were significantly worse in Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum and Omphalodo-Fagetum neckeretosum, but more favorable in Hacquetio-Fagetum, compared to Lipje sites. Vegetation on Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum sites reflected a significantly higher level of acidity (also in var. Epimedium alpinum and Omphalodo-Fagetum neckeretosum) and lower soil nitrogen levels in relation to Lipje sites. On the other side of the ordination space, vegetation on Hacquetio-Fagetum sites reflected significantly less favorable moisture conditions and soil nitrogen levels compared to Lipje sites.
Stand structure – Struktura sastojine
The Lipje forest reserve was characterized by a high growing stock and basal area of live trees, with 773.6 m3 ha–1 and 52.9 m² ha–1, respectively. The dominant tree species in the forest reserve in number and density was fir, followed by spruce (Table 3). Other species such as beech, wild pear, hornbeam, lime, and ash were represented with less than 10 % in tree density and less than 2 % in stand growing stock. Dominant trees were exclusively conifers. Broadleaves were in the intermediate layer. Hornbeam was found in small clusters in the rockiest part of the reserve, while other broadleaves appeared individually throughout the reserve.
The cumulative frequency distribution of live trees showed three distinct modes, since it presented a sum of three different distributions of dominant species (Figure 7). The mode was in the 3rd diameter class for broadleaves, in the 7th diameter class for fir, and in 12th diameter class for spruce. The largest fir and spruce had a dbh of 80 cm and 76 cm, respectively. All three dbh distributions were closer to a bell-shaped distribution than to thea reverse-J.
Dead trees were represented with 262 individuals per ha–1, or 35 % of the total tree density in the reserve (Table 1). The