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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

(i) Calculation model of fodder production, (ii) Simulation model of wild game farming (management of herd – fallow deer and red deer), and (iii) Simulation model of game enclosure. The calculation model of fodder production consists of related sub-models: fertilization (fertilizing plan), labor and machinery, and material consumption. The simulation model of wild game farming consists of related sub-models: management of the herds and feed ration. The simulation model of game enclosure consists of related sub-models: Trees-silvopastoral system and Trees-forest.
Wild game is defined in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 Annex I as follows:
Wild ungulates and lagomorphs, as well as other land mammals that are hunted for human consumption and are considered to be wild under the applicable law in the Member State concerned, including mammals living in enclosed territory under conditions of freedom similar to those of wild game.
The structure of the simulation model is shown in Figure 2.
The simulation model can simulate different scenarios for periods of 30 years and 50 years. With this simulation model, 384 different scenarios were simulated. Each scenario consists of a combination of the following input variables: fallow deer, red deer, silvopastoral system, forest, organic farming, settlement of Area 1, settlement of Area 2, settlement of Area 3, settlement of Area 4, hind for sale.
In each of 384 scenarios, at least one of the listed wild game and at least one settlement area are included (minimal requirement). The "settlement of Area 1" variable means that in the first year, wild game is settled in Area 1, settlement in Area 2 begins in the third year, settlement in Area 3 begins in the sixth year, and settlement in Area 4 begins in the ninth year. If the "settlement of Area 1" and "settlement of Area 2" variables are selected, Areas 1 and 2 are settled in the first year. Settlement in Area 3 begins in the third year; settlement in Area 4 begins in the sixth year. If the "settlement of Area 1," "settlement of Area 2" and "settlement of Area 3" variables are selected, Areas 1, 2, and 3 are settled in the first year. Settlement in Area 4 begins in the third year. If all four "settlement of the area" variables are selected, all areas are settled in the first year.
The "hind for sale" variable means that hinds are sold and not used as breeding animals in herd (sold as yearlings). In those scenarios where hinds are used as breeding animals, the "management of the herds" sub-model is so designed that hinds are automatically moved to the next area – inbreeding is so excluded. All prickets are intended for selling.
With the "fodder production" simulation model, the cost price of pasture, hay, and grass silage in terms of organic or conventional production can be simulated. Depending on the type of production (conventional or organic), inputs like types, quantities, and prices change.