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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 28 <-- 28 --> PDF |
used for the following attributes: NPV, IRR, LU/ha, and Duration of the project. Numerical measured attributes are shown in Table 5. With the "Ratings" function, qualitative values are directly entered in the "Data Grid." This function was used for the following attributes: Complexity according to the number of populated areas, Complexity of the project, Hinds for sale, Complexity of the wild game farming, Carbon sequestration, and Biodiversity (Table 6). The priorities for each basic attribute are calculated on the basis of pairwise comparisons where scales (ratings) are compared in a pairwise manner. The priority is then assigned according to the discrete value (rating). The final assessment of the scenario is calculated as the sum of the weights of scenarios and weights of criteria. The alternative (scenario) with the best estimate is the most appropriate (and vice versa). Results and discussion Rezultati i rasprava During the first phase, we used a simulation model to calculate the NPV and IRR of each scenario. Table 7 shows costs, revenues, and activities during the implementation of the project. Table 8 presents scenarios where the NPV exceeds 160,000 €. The highest NPV and IRR have been calculated for Scenario 152 (50 years, organic farming of red deer, settlement of all four areas in the first year, hinds intended for sale). No trees are involved in this scenario, as can be gleaned from Table 8. |