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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

structural types having the same density in site type B (STBDD and STBDDGR as well as STBDS and STBDSGR) (Table 4).
In the STADS + STADD structural types the depth of the ground organic layer under a single tree or a group of J. excelsa trees is the greatest, on average (means of the depth of the ground organic layer are statistically significant different with p<0.05), while the STBDSGR + STBDDGR structural types exhibit the lowest depth, with a statistically significant difference (Table 5).
Regardless of their density, facilitation does not dominate in the J. excelsa regeneration process in any of the structural types. This does not mean that regeneration in gaps is the dominant form of regeneration (Tables 1, 3). Only in the STBDSGR, which is a sparse structural type, the J. excelsa seedlings that have been established and growing under light, in canopy gaps without significant side shade (G) have greater density than that of the seedlings that have been established and growing under the facilitation of J. excelsa plants (F) (p<0.05) (Table 3).
On the contrary, in the rest sparse structural types (STADS and STBDS) there is no difference in the density of seedlings between the G and F category even thought the areas without canopy cover of trees and shrubs is about 60 to 70 %