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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

The volume of dead wood with regard to its mode of existence and degree of decomposition is given in table 5.
Considering the degree of dead wood decomposition, decayed wood is the most frequent (90.5 %), then weakly decayed (7.6 %) and sound wood (1.9 %).
Apart from the deadwood volume structure with regard to the degree of decomposition, the deadwood volume structure per diameter classes is also provided (Table 6).
The data presented in Table 6 show that unprocessed wood occurs in all diameter classes below 100 cm, in the following percentages: up to 30 cm with 45.24 %, from 31 to 60 cm with 43.10 % and above 60 cm with 11.66 %. Processed wood occurs in all classes up to 80 cm, in the following percentages: up to 30 cm with 27.41 %, from 31 to 60 cm with 67.21 % and above 60 cm with 5.38 %. The wood of snags occurs in all classes up to 40 cm, as well as in the classes 51–60 and 71–80 cm, while the wood of old stumps occurs in all classes below and above 100 cm. Distribution of the