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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 54 <-- 54 --> PDF |
or 12.64–37.79 t ha–1 per stands. The average carbon stock in this biomass is 11.70 t C ha–1, or 6.32–18.89 t C ha–1 per stands. Thus, the average biomas of aboveground and belowground dead wood in the management class amounts to 23.40 t ha–1. Out of this biomass, 6.06 t ha–1 or 25.90 % is above ground and 17.34 t ha–1 or 74.10 % below ground. It participates with the same percentages in the total carbon stock of 11.70 t C ha–1. Variation coefficient of the biomass of stump and snag roots is 95 %, and the relative sampling error with the probability of 95 % and degree of freedom of 241 amounts to +/– 12.21 %. Mund and Shultze (2006) state that according to numerous studies the amount of carbon stored in the aboveground dead wood in managed pure broadleaved forests doesn’t exceed 5 t C ha–1, or according to their study 2 t C ha–1. The beech stands we investigated have the average carbon stock in the aboveground dead wood of approximatelly 3 t C ha–1, which corresponds to the results of other investigations. The quantity of carbon stored in dead wood is naturally much higher in unmanaged broadleaved forests and in virgin forests. With the same limits as in the assessments of the total deadwood volume above ground, the dead wood of high beech forests in the territory of Serbia (350 000 ha) has about 4.09 million t C stored, 3.03 million of which is below and 1.06 million above ground. Conclusion Zaključak In the investigated beech stands, the average volume of dead wood above ground (p = 0.95, n-1 = 241) accounts for 19.24 +/– 2.63 m3 ha–1 or 5.01 % of the average living wood volume (383.9 +/– 20.58 m3 ha–1). Snags participate in the living wood volume with only 0.34 %. In the aboveground dead wood (19.24 m3 ha–1) lying wood accounts for 11.21 m3 ha–1 or 58.03 % and standing wood with 8.03 m3 ha–1 or 41.7 %. With regard to its mode of existence, unprocessed wood is the most frequent (48.60 %), then the wood of old stumps (34.98 %), processed wood (9.67 %) and snag wood (6.75 %). With regard to degree of decomposition, decayed wood is the most common (90.54 %), then weakly decayed wood (7.59 %) and sound wood (1.87 %). Distribution of the total aboveground deadwood volume per diameter classes is irregular, the most frequent being dead wood with diameter up to 60 cm (65.3 %). The average deadwood biomass above ground in the investigated beech stands is 6.06 +/– 0.84 t ha–1 (p = 0.95), and |