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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

the average carbon stock in this biomass is 3.031 t C ha–1. The average biomass of dead wood below ground is 17.34 +/– 2.08 t ha–1, and the average carbon stock in this biomass is 8.671 t C ha–1. Thus, the average biomass of above and belowground dead wood together is 23.40 +/– 2.35 t ha–1. Aboveground biomass amounts to 6.06 t ha–1 or 25.90 % and belowground biomass to 17.34 t ha–1 or 74.10 %. The average carbon stock in the total dry biomass is 11.702 +/– 1.18 t C ha–1 and the ratio between aboveground and belowground carbon is the same as in the biomass.
Investigated managed high beech stands in Serbia have higher volume, biomass and carbon stock bound in dead wood per hectare in comparison to intesively-managed beech stands in Europe. The current state of the stands with regard to dead wood is the result of long-standing negligent management and frequent changes of the management systems in beech forests (selection, group-selection, regeneration, etc).
On the basis of these investigations it can be estimated that there is approximately (p = 0.95, n-1 = 241) 6.73 +/– 0.92 million m3 of aboveground dead wood in managed high beech forests in Serbia (350 000 ha). The dry biomass is about 2.12 +/– 0.29 million tonnes and the carbon stock is 1.06 +/– 0.14 million tonnes. The biomass of the belowground dead wood os around 6.07 +/– 0.73 million tonnes and the carbon stock is 3.03 +/– 0.36 million tonnes. Finally, the total biomass of dead wood below and above ground is around 8.19 +/– 0.82 million tonnes and the carbon stock is around 4.10 +/– 0.41 million tonnes.
This paper was realized as a part of the project "Studyng climate change and its influence on the enviroment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation" (III 43007) financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of integrated and interdisciplinary research for the period 2011–2014.
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