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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 63     <-- 63 -->        PDF

Čas, M.: 2012. Land use and forest changes and the population dynamics of some animal species of the forest landscape in Slovenia since 1874 – the key to game management. Zlatorogov zbornik, 1, s. 85–104.
Čas, M.: 2010. Disturbances and predation on capercaillie at leks in Alps and Dinaric Mountains. Šumarski list, CXXXIV, 9–10, 487–495.
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Dowell, S.D.: 1992. Problems and pitfallas of gamebird reintroduction and restocking. Gibier Faune Sauvage 9, 773–780.
Evans, K.L.: 2004. the potencial for interactions bettween predation and habitat change to cause population declines of farmland birds. Ibis 146, 1–13.
Green, R., E.: 1984. The feeding ecology and survival of partridge chicks (Alectoris rufa and Perdix perdix) on arable farmland in East Anglia. Journal of Applied Ecology 21, 817–830.
Grubešić, M., Krapinec, K., Tomljanoivć, K.: 2008. Lovnogospodarska osnova za zajedničko otvoreno lovište XXI/101 Jež­dovec–Stupnik. Elaborat. 222.
Grubešić, M., Šegrt, V., Konjević, D.: 2006. Studija o brojnosti trčke u prirodnom uzgoju u središnjoj Hrvatskoj. Veterinarski arhiv 76, 161–166.
Goldová, M., Letková, V., Csizsmárová, G.: 2000. Life cycle of Eimeria procera in experimentally infectetd grey partridges (Perdix perdix). Veterinary Parasitology 90, 255–263.
Hedge, S.N., Rolls, A.B., Turvey, A., Coates, M.E.: 1978. The effect on chicks of dietary fibre from different sources: a growth factor in wheat bran. British Journal of Nutrition 40. 63–68.
Kenward, R.E.. 1999. Raptor predation problems and solutions. Journal of Raptor Research, 33, 73–75.
Konjević, D.: 2006. Lovnogospodarska osnova za državno otvoreno lovište I/3 Crnovščak. Elaborat 189.
Kuijper, D.P.J.: Osterveld, E., Wymenga, E., 2009. Decline and potential recovery of the European grey partridge (Perdix perdix) population-a review. European Journal of Wildlife Research 55, 455–463.
Liukkonen-Antilla, T., Putaala, A., Hissa, R.: 1999. Does shiffting from a comercial to a natural diet affect the nutritional status of the hand-reared grey partridges. Willife Biology 5, 147–156.
Liukkonen-Antilla, T., Saartoala, R., Hissa, R.: 2000. Impact of hand-rearning on morphology and physiology of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 130, 237–248.
Liukkonen-Anttila, T., Putaala, A., Hissa, R.: 2002. Feeding of handrared grey partrige (Perdix perdix) chicks – importance of invertebrates. Wildlife Biology 8, 11–19.
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Panek, M.: 1997. The effect of agricurtural landscape structure on food resources and survival of grey partrige (Perdix perdix) chicks in Poland. Journal of Applied Ecology 34, 787–792.
Potts, G.R.: 1997. Cereal farming, pesticides and grey partridges. The comon agricultural policy and its implication for birds. In: Pain, D.J., Pienkowski, M.W., Farming and Birds in Europe, Academic Press, London, pp. 79–116.
Potts, G.R.: (1980) The effects of modern agriculture, nest predation and game management on the population ecology of partridges (Perdix perdix and Alectoris rufa). Advances in Ecological Research, 11, 1–79.
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Tapper, S.C., Potts, G.R., Brockless, M.H.: 1996. The effect of an Experimental raduction in predation pressure on the breeding success and population density of grey partridges, Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 965–978.
Thomas, V.G.: 1987. Nutritional, morphological and behavioural considerations for rearing birds for release. Journal of Ornithology 128, 423–430.
Watson, M., Aebischer, N.J., Potts, G.R., Ewald, J.,A.: 2007. The relative effects of raptor predation and shooting on overwinter mortality of grey partridges in the United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Ecology 44, 972–982.
Tucker, G.M., Heath, M.F.: 1994. Birds in Ezrope, their conservation status. Birdlife conservation series no.3. Birdlife International, Cambridge.
The possibility of releasing and reintroducing artificially breaded partridges in open habitats has been researched through a period of two years, on the territories of two separate sites. During these two years 34 animals have been released from which 17 have been marked with a telemetric collar. Partridges from artificial breeding have been released in three different times of year. First release of a semi-adults has been carried out in hunting ground "Ježdovec–Stupnik" (site 1) where altogether five pairs of partridges have been released. Second release of the mother flock has been done in autumn in the territory of hunting ground "Črnovšćak" (site 2). Third release altogether and second in line has been carried out in early spring in the same territory when 16 animals have been released, and 8 marked. In the release sites preparation of habitat hasn’t been done. Telemetric collars that emit a signal every 2 seconds have been used for marking. Retention location of the released animals has been monitored and recorded on a daily basis with a radio antenna using the triangulation method. From 17 marked and released animals altogether 13 of them have been found dead after a shorter