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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2013 str. 76     <-- 76 -->        PDF

Maceljski, M., J. Igrc, 1984: Bagremov miner Parectopa robiniella Clem. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) u Jugoslaviji. Zaštita bilja, 4 (170): 323–331
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Masten Milek, T., M. Ivezić, M. Šimala, 2009: The genus Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) with special regard to Pulvinaria hydrangeae Steinweden, 1946 as a newly recorded species in the fauna of Croatia. Natura Cro­atica, 18 (2): 267–278
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Matošević, D., 2012: Prvi nalaz brijestove ose listarice (Aproceros leucopoda), nove invazivne vrste u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 1–2, CXXXVI: 57–61
Matošević, D., M. Pernek, B. Hrašovec, 2010: Prvi nalaz kestenove ose šiškarice (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 9–10, CXXXIV: 497–502
Matošević, D., M. Pernek, T. Dubravac, B. Barić, 2009: Istra­živanje faune lisnih minera drvenastog bilja u Hrvatskoj. Šumar­ski list, 7–8, CXXXIII: 381–390
Matošević, D., Pernek, M., 2011: Strane i invazivne vrste fitofagnih kukaca u šumama Hrvatske i procjena njihove štetnosti. Šumarski list, Posebni broj: 264–271
Mattson, W., H. Vanhanen, T. Veteli, S. S. Ivnone, P. Neimela, 2007: Few immigrant phytophagous insects on woody plants in Europe: legacy of the European crucible?. Biological Invasions, 9: 957–974
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Mičetić Stanković, V., T. Koren, I. Stanković, 2011: The Harlequin ladybird continues to invade southeastern Europe. Biol Invasions, 3: 1711–1716
Navajas, M., A. Migeon, A. Estrada-Pena, A. – C. Mailleux, P. Servigne, R. Petanović, 2010: Mites and ticks (Acari). Chapter 7.4. Arthropod invasions in Europe. BioRisk, 4 (1): 149–192. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.58
Nentwig, W., 2007: Biological Invasions: why it Matters. Biological Invasions. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 441 str.
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Opalički, K., 1991: Tujin miner (Argyresthia thuiella Packard Argyresthiidae — Lep.) nova vrsta u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, CXV: 483–487
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Pelizzari, G., L. Dalla Monta, V. Vacante, 2005: List of alien insect and mite pests introduced to Italy in sixty years (1945–2004). Plant Protection and Plant Health in Europe: Introduction and Spread of Invasive Species. BCPC Symposium Proceedings, BCPC, U K, 81: 275
Pellizzari, G., J. – F. Germain, 2010: Scales (Hemiptera, Superfamily Coccoidea). Chapter 9.3. Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4(1): 475–510. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.45
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Perović, F., S. Leiner, 1996: Index of the Sawflies Sensu Lato (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Croatia. Natura Croatica, 5 (4): 359–381
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Quacchia, A., C. Ferracini, J. A. Nicholls, E. Piazza, M. A. Saladini, F. Tota, G. Melika, A. Alma, 2012: Chalcid parasitoid community associated with the invading pest Dryocosmus kuriphilus in North-western Italy. Insect Conservation and Diversity j.1752-4598.2012.00192.x/full: 1–9
Rabitsch, W., 2010: True Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Chapter 9.1. Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4 (1): 407–403. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.44
Rabitsch, W., F. Essl 2006: Biological invasions in Austria: patterns and case studies. Biol Invasions, 8: 295–308
Rasplus, J. – Y., 2010: Future trends. Chapter 6. Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4 (1): 73–80. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.67
Rasplus, J. – Y., C. Villemant, M. R. Paiva, G. Delvare, A. Roques, 2010: Hymenoptera. Chapter 12. Arthropod invasions in Europe. BioRisk, 4 (2): 669–776. doi: 10.3897/biorisk.4.55